2) ...to be watched...

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The hallway was dark, almost pitch black was a good description for it. Occasionally I would bump into a wall, or what I hoped was Randy, but for the most part it wasn't that bad.

Until my foot slipped on the tile and I slammed into a wall that caved in on me with a hearty 'bang'. "Ouch." I whimpered, trying to sit up. A strong pair of hands pulled me to my feet and I realized the wall that had caved in was actually a door that led into a small room with chairs and tables like before.

I swallowed when I realized there was a familiar curtain near the back of the room. Curious, I broke from Randy's grip and walked over to the curtain.

"Hey. We're not supposed to be in here." He grumbled, following after me. I ignored his comment and examined the old violet rag used to cover up...something important (at least it felt that way to me).

There was a small wooden sign that was dusty and decrepit with the words 'Sorry. Out of order.' etched into it with childish scrawl.

At this point I was very curious and wanted to see what was behind this mysterious curtain. Before I could see the secret it was hiding, Randy jumped in front of me with a look annoyance.

"Look. The only thing behind this curtain is an old animatronic that hasn't been used in 30 plus years. There isn't a new car, or a huge stash of money. Just and old piece of decorated metal that'll probably give you nightmares if you stare at it too long."

I swallowed and nodded before my eyes caught a glimpse of something red move right behind Randy. I wasn't sure what it was but I took a step back.

"You alright?" He asked, but he never got a response. I wasn't sure what had gotten into me but I lunged for Randy's arm and pulled him as hard as my strength would allow. Thankfully it was enough force to move him out of the way, just in time.

A large red figure emerged from the curtain, but it wasn't a beast like I had thought. It looked human...but it wasn't. It had hair like a human...but it wasn't. To say the least I was very confused.

"This thing is supposed to be off." Randy grumbled, walking right up to the thing and flipping a switch on it's back. It gave a few whirring sounds before slumping over.

"Wh-what was that!" I stammered, pointing at the animatronic. Randy sighed before stepping away from it.

"This was Foxy the Pirate and this little area was known as Pirate Cove. But the company tried to fix him up when they remodeled the other animatronics...and it didn't turn out too well. From the beggining his wiring was all messed up, so now he's as good as scrap metal." He explained. I nodded and felt quite sorry for the pirate fox.

Taking a step back, I got a much better look at Foxy. He was wearing ripped brown pants with sewed up patches and a rope for a belt. His shirt consisted of a canvas material that looked like a dingy muscle shirt. I swallowed as I took note of his hands. One was normal...the other was a wickedly sharp looking hook. I looked at it's face, which seemed sleepy and bored. Foxy's mouth was hanging open, revealing the sharp teeth inside. I took a step back when I noticed the black piece of cloth flipped away from his eye (an eyepatch I pressumed). Despite being a tad larger than a person, Foxy wasn't all that scary. The only thing I would have changed was his greasy orange hair that stood up on end like he had been struck by lightning.

My daze was broken once again as Randy pulled the curtain closed and began to shoo me out of the room. Right before I walked out I noticed a camera hanging from the ceiling.

It was pointed directly at me.


So now you know Randy's been hiding and animatronic in his closet...what do you think? Also, Ellie can sense something is wrong already but she doesn't want to say anything. Comment and vote for more!

Song of the chapter:

The Show Must Go On - MandoPony


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