18) Memories are small...

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"Well it's good to know these still work." Jeremy smirked, running his fingers across my old walkie-talkie. I nodded and took mine into my hands. On the back E.B. was etched into the plastic with a cursive like scrawl. I recognized it as my hand writing.

"Yeah." I muttered in thought. The memory I had experienced just a few minutes earlier was boggling my brain. Randy had worked there when we were little kids, but it didn't make any sense that he was a security guard.

"You okay? You look a little tired." Jeremy said with concern, leaning over my shoulder. His voice knocked me out of my confused muddle but sent a chill through my spine. He'd been there before so...how could he not remember?

"Yeah, it's just...nothing." I muttered, looking back down at the hat in the metal box. Jeremy's mouth worked itself into a frown as he looked away. "Goddammit Eleanor! You know, I know that this isn't 'nothing'. I've been trying to be nice about it, but now I'm just confused. What is going on with you?!"

We sat there in silence as I fought with myself in an ongoing conflict. I wanted to tell him about the pizzeria, the animatronics, our past...at that place. I wanted him to know but I couldn't tell him. He wouldn't believe me anyway. What could I do?

"Well? Aren't you gonna answer me?" he growled, glaring at me. I swallowed hard and rubbed my face in my hands. Before he could say anything else I swung my feet onto the bed and lay down on his pillow. I flipped over to where I was facing the wall (not him) and sighed.

"No." I said plainly, closing my eyes to silence the doubt in my head. I heard the bed squeak and sink a little as he lay next to me. I should have known Jeremy would try to coax an answer out of me than to leave.

"Look. I know you're tired, angry, and...probably a bit emotionally unstable. But you need to talk about these things if you want it to get any better." he said, propping himself up on his elbows. He nudged my shoulder before rustling around in his bedside table.

"Want a smoke?" he said through a lit cigarette, waving a little white package in my face. I was a bit shocked at first, but then I remembered that Jeremy wasn't as innocent as he looked. No one is. "Nah. I'll just share yours." I giggled, yanking the smoke from between his lips and taking a huff.

I hadn't smoked for quite a while but the burn of it in my lungs was a certainly welcome distraction. Yeah...I knew it was bad for me, but I could count at least ten other things that could kill me within the next 12 hours (my sister included). The longer the smoke stayed in my lungs the calmer I became before letting it lift from my throat.

"Damn. Three years and you haven't lost your touch." Jeremy smirked, plucking the puff from my fingers and letting it hang out of the corner of his mouth. I rolled my eyes and sighed out the rest of the tobacco through my nose before relaxing against his shoulder.

To outsiders, we probably looked like two lovers sharing a smoke after...well, you get the idea. But to us...we were two siblings being rebellious and sharing a bond we hadn't been able to for quite a few years. I missed those moments and relished in this one.

"Hey, take a look at this." Jeremy said as I took another puff of our cigarette. "Hm?" I hummed, blowing a bit of smoke between my lips. Before I could protest, he slipped the butt out of my fingers and snuffed it out in his bedside ashtray. I shot him a look but he slipped the small album of pictures into my hands instead.

"This one." he said, pointing at a picture of some little kids during a party of some sort. I raised my eyebrows at Jeremy but went back to the picture. As soon as my eyes glanced over the faces of a couple of kids a memory bubbled up to the surface of my thoughts. Even though I tried to fight it...I couldn't.

I was sucked in again.

* * * *

 "Wow. You look just like Bonnie!" Steven (my best friend at the time) squeaked as I entered the show stage area with a grin plastered on my face. He was an ebony-haired femboy with big green eyes and a purple shirt. The two of us admired my unique bow tie and one-of-a-kind hat as a few kids gathered around in envy.

"You can't be Bonnie! Bonnie's a boy, and you're a girl!" a familiar voice called from the little kids. A second later, a young kid around the age of eight pushed through the crowd. Just by the way his dark brown hair fell in his startling brown eyes I recognized him immediately.

"I can be whatever I want to be! You can't stop me either, Daniel!" I spat in outrage. Many of the kids 'oohed' and 'awwed' at my bravery and confidence when confronting him. Of course, Daniel did not.

"No you can't! I won't let you!" he growled, stepping to me.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I snapped, pushing him away from me.

Before I could react, Daniel gripped my wrist tightly and dragged me out of the room. I had no idea what would happen next.

* * * *

I held my face in my hands as I cried out tears of anguish. Not only had Daniel taken away my hat and bow tie...but he'd taken away my sense of pride. Something too personal and precious for me at that age. I was hiding in 'Pirate's Cove' (while Foxy played with the other kids), trying to figure out what I would say to Randy when he found out I had lost his gift.

Just as I thought I had an answer, the curtain opened to reveal Randy himself who gave me a smile. In this memory he looked to be around 16 maybe even 17 (which was odd, seeing as though my other memory showed him at his age now). I whimpered and covered my eyes in shame as he coaxed me out. I sat on the edge of the stage, unable to meet his eyes as he put something in my hands.

"You got  back my hat and bow tie! Thank you!" I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck in gratitude. He didn't say anything but stroked my hair a few times. I thought it was weird but I didn't speak up and giggled against his neck.

"You wanna do something fun?" he grinned, easing me off of the stage as I nodded. The two of us walked down the hallway hand-in-hand, singing one of Freddy's songs. Randy led me into the office and I sat in his cushy leather chair as he began to check the cameras.

A second later he put down his tablet and walked to the right hallway. He stuck his head out and examined the hall before slamming the door shut with the palm of his hand. He walked over to the left hallway and did the same thing before stepping in front of me.

"Now what I am going to show you is a secret and you can't tell anyone. You've also gotta be quiet too, or somebody might hear us." he said leaning forward. I was a bit uncomfortable but I nodded and crossed my heart in promise. I trusted Randy and would keep any secret of his to the grave.


* * * * 

"Uh, El? Why are you crying." Jeremy asked, wrapping an arm around me in a comforting manner. Thankfully, his voice was able to pull me out of the memory before I could really get all of the details. I knew enough, and was violated with that fact. No wonder I had chosen to forget that hidden fracture of a pure nightmare.

I threw the album across the room and pushed my self as far away from it as possible. Jeremy was trying his best to calm me down but his attempts were futile. What Randy had done to me was too horrific to even believe.

"Eleanor! What is going on!?" Jeremy shouted gripping my arms in confusion. I tried to fight him for a second but crumpled into his arms in a sobbing mess. Despite the fact I didn't want to tell him I knew he had to know.

"Jeremy," I sobbed, pressing my face into his chest. "When I was a little girl, I was molested by someone who I thought was my friend. Now...he's my boss."


Well, well, well. I told you Ellie would have some hell to pay even though she didn't do anything wrong. Yay! Once again I am fucking my characters up for no apparent reason. There will be no NSFW in this story but if there is suggestive material I will warn you at the beginning of each chapter. I'm not going to put up a warning for gore seeing as though this is a FNAF fanfic. What do you expect? Comment and vote for more!

P.S. Song of the chapter:

Nicotine - Panic! At The Disco


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