9) ...an illusion.

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When I woke up about seven hours later, my heart was pounding from a nightmare. Or a day-mare, since I had woken up at around four in the afternoon. To be honest I had kinda seen it coming...especially since I remembered how Bonnie had smiled at me.

I tried my hardest to slow my heart rate, but the emotions my dream had caused were even more terrifying than a bloody Bonnie face. I gripped my head in my hands and sighed, trying my hardest to coax my feelings into submission. There were too many things I had to face and I wasn't ready. I'm just glad I knew that.

With a yawn and a stretch I literally fell out of bed and onto the floor where I stayed for a minute, still trying to focus. When I did regain my thoughts and emotions I tried to sit up only to groan in pain because of my bandaged hand. 

"Dammit!" I grumbled to myself. "I forgot  to take those fucking painkillers."

I sighed and propped myself up with my good hand before stumbling to feet. The emotional aftermath of my dream was still present, causing me to close my eyes and howl. I never cry but...I did. I did because I was helpless, lost, and tired.

I sniffled and whimpered, wiping my eyes and face before grabbing some clean clothes. I had taken a shower last night  but I felt grimy from the events of my dream. Even though it hadn't been real I could still feel the blood and dirt caked into my hands.

I closed my eyes and slammed my head against the wall. The dull pain pushed the thoughts out of my head and lead to a little relief. I entered the bathroom and turned on the water to the coldest setting. I knew I'd regret it...but I did it anyway.

I stripped and whimpered as I threw myself into the shower. Shocking cold water spilled over my head and erased all thoughts of earlier...leaving me shivering. I did my best to get clean and exited the shower before wrapping myself in a pair of fluffy towels.

"Ellie! Are you done in there!?" Zamora yelled from the hallway, banging her fist on the door. I jumped and stubbed my toe against the sink before cursing my luck. "Yeah! Just give me a minute!" I shouted, scrambling to pull on my clothes.

My damp hair fell over my eyes as I exited the bathroom. To my surprise Zamora wasn't outside ready to kick me out of the way, instead I was greeted by a familiar face.

"Jake!" I exclaimed in embarrassment. "Wh-what are you doing here?!"

"I came to see you." he murmured. I flushed even harder than before.

"Uh..." I whimpered, trying to form words. "Wh-why?"

Jake bit his lip and turned away, leading me into the front room. Thankfully Zamora wasn't there (hopefully she went to work). He plopped down onto the couch before beckoning me over. I flopped onto the couch before wiping my limp hair behind my ears.

"You...haven't been yourself lately." he stated, pushing his thick black bangs out of his eyes. I looked at my hands before sighing. What happened at Freddy Fabear's Pizza was my secret...and telling him would only lead to him thinking I was crazy. I couldn't do that.

"I...I got an internship at a business and it's alot more stressing than I thought I would be." I muttered, trying to hide my throbbing hand at my side. I still hadn't gotten a chance to take my pain meds. "I'm still going to do it though."

"Hm." he hummed, allowing me to drape my legs over his lap. His dark green eyes were studying me as if I were a really good book. I gulped and looked away trying to understand his interested stare. "Your hand? What happened?"

He had asked it without the slightest hesitation or even sympathy. I swallowed a lump of fear and sighed. "I...got it stuck in a car door. It was an accident."

"Hm." he hummed again, draping his hand over my knees. I shuddered in embarrassment before averting my gaze to the floor. The way we were sitting on the couch would have immediately aroused suspicion, but I had known him since we were kids. I also knew he had a crush on my older sister...

"You're lying." he said sharply, scattering all of my thoughts. I gulped and tried to stutter an excuse but he stopped me. "I understand why."

"You do?" I asked in astonishment. Did he know?

"Yes." he said plaintively. "Zamora told me everything."

"Zamora?!" I shouted. "She doesn't know a damn thing about me! She cares only about looking pretty and having a new boyfriend everyday!"

Jake looked at me in bewilderment...as if I had slapped him. I immediately knew what I said had been too much. I wasn't lying though. Zamora only cared about herself and the occasional gossip...I just wished Jake would be able to see that.

"No she doesn't." he scowled, gripping my leg in his hand. I tried kicking him away but he was too strong. "Your sister in a wonderful person. She has done so much for you and me! You should be grateful!"

"I'm NOT!" I shouted, getting in his face. "She doesn't give a shit about how I feel! If she did she'd..."

"She'd what?!" he shouted back. I wanted to say "She'd tell you how much I care about you." but I knew that wasn't a good idea.

"What would I say, Eleanor?" a calm voice stated from the hallway. Both Jake and I turned to see  Zamora watching us like we were TV. I took this moment to wriggle out of Jake's grip, slip on some chanclas, and slam the front door behind me.

Love is an illusion.


So...how'd you guys like it? This is just a small look at the underlying problems that Ellie has. I hope to include much more in the future. Note that Zamora doesn't like Jake(at least for rights now). Comment and vote for more!

Song of the chapter:

I'm Just Your Problem (Piano Cover) - Flutterwhat


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