15) ...regret something?

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"Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt? I have some news about the puppy you brought in." The veterinarian said, adjusting her glasses on the tip of her nose. She had a bit of a worried look on her face but I immediately discounted that because of what she had just said.

"What?" Mike and I said in shocked unison. "Mr. and...Mrs. Schmidt?" I asked, raising an eyebrow confusion. Mike didn't say anything, but judging by how red his face was I could tell he understood the meaning of her words. The vet gave a sheepish smile before clearing her throat.

"I'm sorry. I just thought...uhm...never mind." she sputtered awkwardly, flipping through the papers on her clipboard. She looked to be in her early 30s, late 20s and was quite pretty for a vet (although she seemed a bit worn). The look on her face went from apologetic to sorry in less than a moment before she opened her mouth to speak.

"I'm sorry, but the puppy you brought in...it...didn't make it. I'm sorry. We did all that we could but...he lost too much blood." she whimpered plaintively. For a second I was okay, I knew it was okay. I mean, things die all the time but...this was different.

I flopped down in the nearest chair and sighed, holding my head in my hands. It took another moment for the real reality to kick in. Death was surrounding me... and would eventually swallow me whole. Two days ago I had been a happy-go-lucky 19-year-old girl with no cares in the world. As of that moment I was a woman who realized I was staring death in the face.

I could hear Mike talking with the pretty vet but it was garbled and distorted...like I was hearing through water. I didn't look over at them but I could feel one salty tear fall down my cheek. I wiped it away before standing up, too shocked to even speak. Not that I even wanted to.

"I see. Thank you." Mike said, pressing his lips together in understanding. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"C'mon. I've got it taken care of. We should probably get back." He stated slowly, almost as if he had no emotion. I wouldn't admit it, but I could see the brokenness in his eyes.

"Yeah." I rasped, closing my eyes and exiting the cold building. Mike was behind me the whole way. Without thinking, I threw the keys into his hand and crumpled into the passenger seat. I was just glad I knew it wasn't in my best interest to drive.

Most if the car ride was in silence...a tired one too. Both of us were still a bit worn from about 8 hours of emotional torture and all I wanted to do was pass out.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this." Mike sighed, keeping his eyes on the road. I could tell he was avoiding my eye contact but I didn't blame him.

"Why? This wasn't your fault." I said, looking out the window at the passing scenery. It was a nice distraction but I knew it wasn't going to help out the conversation.

"I know but...I'm used to this shit. I've been knee deep it for almost a month. I should've at least warned you. It's not like Randy would have." he spat bitterly, most of the anger directed towards himself. "You don't deserve all of these problems. I do...but you don't."

"Neither one of us deserves this. Getting angry at yourself isn't going to help you either. It's only going to make it worse. Trust me, I know." I muttered. Mike didn't say anything but I could tell something was eating at him.

"Hey," he sighed. "you remember when you heard the animatronic in the hallway?" I nodded, looking at him with slight confusion. "Yeah. Why?"

"I realized something." he mused. "What?" I said, looking at him. He didn't meet my gaze but I could tell he didn't want to say anything.

"I realized I was responsible for anything that could happen to you." he said dryly, swallowing hard. I felt my mouth go dry at his words, but I couldn't argue with him. He was correct. I was his responsibility, and his 'intern'.

"It's funny, 'cause when I first met you I didn't care if you lived or died. Now, if you die...your blood is on my hands. Believe it or not...I've never had this kind of liability before." he laughed, almost as if he was frustrated but I could tell he was just in shock. I was too.

"Thanks for that info. I feel so safe now." I smirked with sarcasm. Mike let out a small laugh and I joined him. It felt nice to act human for once.

Mike pulled up to the restaurant and we got out of the car. He tossed me the keys and started to walk away before a familiar voice fill my ears. "Eleanor Bates!  The hell have you been?"

Mike and I stopped dead in our tracks, unsure of how to react. A second later Zamora stormed up to me with a look of anguish and anger engraved into her face. "I've been calling you all fucking night! Where have you been?"

"M-my phone was dead. I-I had no idea you were calling!" I stammered, unable to really react to an angry Zammie. I had never seen her like that before.

"You haven't been home for three hours! You usually get home at 7! Right now it's almost 10!" She shouted gripping my arm like a vice. I was confused to say the least, seeing as though she was exploding for no reason.

"Dad just had a stroke Eleanor! I've been trying to find you for the last few hours. Why weren't you home when you were supposed to?" she said, her voice deflating into sniffles. I wrapped my arms around her as she cried.

"Wh-when did this happen?" I asked, looking her in the eyes. Zamora sobbed but managed out a choked answer. 

"It happened right after you left the apartment. Mom called and told me at work...I couldn't find you. I...I thought something happened to you!" she sniveled, wrapping her arms around me in a loving embrace. "I th-thought you were d-dead."

My jaw opened to say something but I couldn't, so I closed it. I could see Mike out of the corner of my eye...watching us. I held her tight until she pulled away to wipe her eyes of her running mascara. "Wh-why are you covered in blood?"

"I-I...uh..." I stammered, trying to form the words. Before I could even form a response she turned to Mike. "Are you responsible for this?!" she growled, directing her anger towards him. I tried to stop her but she pushed me out of the way.

"Did you hurt her?! I swear to god-" was all she could say before I yanked her backwards. She glared at me but this gave Mike enough time to form an answer.

"I didn't hurt her! W-we found a puppy that got hit by a car and we took it to the vet. That's why we're covered in blood!" he asserted, putting his hands up in defense. Zamora rolled her eyes and grabbed my wrist. 

"I don't care who you are or what you're doing! You stay away from my sister you creep!" she shouted, looking at me. "You are not coming back here again!"

"Wait! You can't do this! I-"

"Like hell I can't! This place is already messing you up! I'm your older sister and I make the decisions!"

"You CAN'T! Why can't I make my own decisions?! Why don't I have a say in anything?!" I screamed, pulling away from her. Zamora looked shocked and so did Mike. I couldn't believe her.

"I didn't even want to take this job! Dad forced me to take it 'cause he felt I needed the experience! This place is a hell hole, and the only reason I come back is because it's the only place I can actually be myself! I haven't even worked here for TWO days and I already feel more at ease. You CAN'T do this. It's all I have left." I sobbed, wiping my eyes and pulling away.

Do you ever regret something?


Yay! Cliffhanger averted! Yeah...I hope you like the added emotional content. I only did it because I feel it adds for good character development. Also...I had to add that Mr. and Mrs. moment 'cause it lightens the mood. Comment and vote for more chappies!


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