42) One Last Grip

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"I'm hungry." Mike mumbled, scratching behind his ear. I wasn't exactly sure how to react. His dramatic voice made me think something more important was on his mind.

"Same here." I frowned, squirming against the edge of the bed so I could sit up. I stretched my achy body, cracked my neck, and cracked my back. My hand still hurt from when I had sprained my fingers but it seemed to be okay. I wiggled them to feel a small amount of phantom pain. "Whatcha wanna eat?"

"I was thinking pizza." he chuckled, throwing off the sheets and swinging his legs across the bed. "Cheese pizza with soda and Netflix."

"Wow." I giggled, standing up a little wobbly. "You really know what you want."

Mike shot me a look that made me regret what I had just said. "Of course I know what I want." he snickered, waggling his eyebrows in a flirtatious manner. "I know what you want too."

"Oh. My. God." I laughed, face-palming again. Why did he look so stupid when he was making dirty jokes? "Don't make me slap you again."

"I won't." he teased, sticking his tongue out at me. "So, are you in?"

"Of course. I love cheese pizza with soda and Netflix."

* * * *

"Red Eye? What kind of movie is that?" Mike asked, glancing at the title on the screen. I burst into high pitched fangirling squeals. I couldn't help it.

Red Eye happened to be my favorite movie.

"It's my favorite. Here, let me read you the description." I giggled, almost knowing it by heart. 

"Red Eye: In the wake of her grandmother's funeral, hotel manager Lisa Reisert (Rachel McAdams) is waiting to fly back home when she meets charming Jackson Rippner (Cillian Murphy) at check-in. She thinks it luck that they're seated together on the plane, but soon learns otherwise. Jackson hopes to assassinate the head of Homeland Security, but to do so, he needs Lisa to reassign the official's room number at her hotel. As insurance, Jackson has kidnapped Lisa's father." 

"Plot twist." Mike muttered blankly, still staring at the screen. "Are you sure this isn't a chick flick?"

"I'm sure! This movie actually won an award for being a psychological thriller. I promise you'll love it!" I squealed again, hopping happily up and down next to him. Mike mumbled something under his breath before starting the film.

"I hope you're right."

* * * *

The two of us were on the edge of our seats with pizza in one hand, soda in the other. Neither one of us said a word as it came to my favorite part in the movie.

"Ever since, I've been trying to convince myself of one thing, over and over..." Lisa said leaning against the plane's window. Her eyes were watering with the realization of what she had to do.

"That it was beyond your control." Jackson drawled, glancing over Lisa with what seemed like concern.

"No." she said, shaking her head ever so slightly. She took this moment to steel her nerves and uncap her secret weapon.

"That it would never happen again."

The two sat there for a second, Jackson taken off guard by her odd comment. It wasn't until the seat belt light went off did she make her move. Jackson looked upwards, his eyes wandering across the dashboard. 

Lisa saw this opportunity to escape and stabbed him in the throat with her ballpoint pen.  

"Oh damn." Mike gawked, nearly dropping his pizza. I felt another small squeal catch in my throat. The character development and action had always made me so excited. Since I was a writer I loved seeing relationships change and bonds grow deeper between people (even if they were fiction).

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