51) ...you can...

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"Hey. Get up."

My eyes widened in alarm at the gruff voice. It was familiar but also foreign to me. Where did I hear him before?

"Get up, Eleanor. Get up now."

I opened my eyes and whimpered in fear. No. This made no sense.

"I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to do a job."

His piercing green eyes studied me with slight interest. It was obvious to tell he was curious about me even though he had almost tried to kill me.

His appearance was the same as last time. Half shaved black hair with bangs, dark purple shirt, ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of Converse. Don't forget those green eyes, beautiful yet dangerous in light.


"Get up. Or else I'm gonna have to carry you." He frowned, looking into my eyes with deep interest. "Get up."

I couldn't tell where my body began and the air ended. It was like I wasn't anything. I was just emptiness. All I could do was lay there while he looked down on me.

"Fine. If you want to do it the hard way, I guess that's how it's gonna be." He snorted, picking me up. I could feel his arms and hands but it was like I wasn't there at all.

"What are you doing? Where are you taking me? Put me down." I frowned, glowering at him.

"Shut up, idiot. I've got more important things to worry about than the bullshit that's coming out of your mouth." He snorted. I sat there, burning with hatred, while he began to carry me through the dark room.

"You're mean."

"I have a reason to be, dummy." Steven sighed while adjusting my position in his arms. "I'm mean for a reason, and so is everyone else. So get used to it."

"Everyone else?" I asked, attempting to move my (seemingly nonexistent) digits.

"I want you to be on your best behavior, Ellie. These people are my family and it's been a while since they last saw you. So...try not to get offended by them."

He turned around and used his back to open up a set of oaken double doors. They were huge and glossy with auburn color like they had been glazed with maple syrup. They were beautiful.

The doors opened up into a cozy yet medium sized atrium that was bathed in a warm glow. Bookshelves, silvery party decorations, and a few dark oak tables filled the comfortable room.

A soft smell wafted through the air. It was sweet and warm like...cookies?

"Cookies!" I giggled, looking over to Steven. He had a sly smile on his face as if he had realized the same thing as me.

"Terra must be cooking again." He sighed, plopping me down on a velvety couch. "I swear all that girl will eat is sweets. I don't blame her."

"Can I ask what's going on? I'm a little confused..." I asked, trying to grip his arm unsuccessfully. He gave me a small frown but then nodded.

"Uh...I can't explain it right now. Ronan, or Daniel, can tell you when they get here." He said, glancing over his shoulder to the door. Almost, as if expected, a random figure entered the room with stunning grace.

"Stevie! It be great to see ya here! Ooh, and ye brought lassie Eleanor with ye!" It cooed in a Scottish accent. The voice was oddly feminine but rich and deep like silk.

The figure approached quite quickly, blurring my vision with red and gold. It stopped short, regarded me with deep green eyes, and a large grin. Thick red hair cascaded down her shoulders, obscuring her freckles, and ended near her waist at the hip.

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