"Speed..." said the director.

"Wait, hold up," called the cameraman. "Let me check the focus."

"So I heard you were gonna have a future fanfic that stars you as well?" asked Sweetie.

"Yeah," said Luigi "And if you look carefully at the Trapped Heroes chapter, you can actually see a hint at one. Which will also make these stories different from mariobroultimate's stories. What about you?"

"Well, I am set on a future PAW Patrol Mission PAW story that puts me in the good light, instead of the usual like in the show. Pretty much RG's headcanon," Sweetie replied.

"Wow, that's great!" Luigi complemented.

12. "And, action!"

"Oh... another one of those paintings," said Mario, "Like the one, I went through when I was captured."

"Hey, you have us now, Mario," said Yoshi "We're all in this together."

"Yeah, you're right. Pizza dough!"

Mario stopped himself after what he just said and burst into laughter.

"Pizza dough!"

Eventually, everyone else joined in on the laughter as well.

"Where are my platforms?" said Mario "Let's go disco! Alright, could we try it again?"

13. The two opened the door and saw four doors. One was a regular door, a red door, a green door, and a yellow door. Behind each of the colored doors, they could hear talking.

"Boy I sure got a huge clove of garlic," said Wario "You know, sometimes these cloves of garlic remind me of our great-grandma."

"You're kidding me there," said Mario.

"No really," said Wario "This was only because you two were wee babies when you saw her. Sometimes when me and Waluigi spent the night at her house, we would see her hair shaped like a clove of garlic."

"Yeah, right," said Luigi.

"No really, and it was pretty funny," said Wario "One time when she wanted Waluigi and I to touch up her hair, we shaped it into a clove of garlic."

"WHAT?!" asked Yoshi and Mulan, confused.

"Ey," said Wario, "They told me to add lip. You don't give me a script, you take what you get my friends."

"True," said Luigi "But they do have a point, that was rather... odd."

"Cuz, you are weird," said Mario.

14. "HOW DID YOU TWO NOT GET BURNED?!" cried Mario in shock.

"Well we were just- oh!" said Luigi. "My eye!"

"You weren't supposed to act like you're hurt," said Sweetie.

"No, seriously," said Luigi covering his eye, "I got ashes in my eye!"

That was when everyone started laughing.

"It stings!" cried Luigi in pain, "Stop laughing I'm serious! Stop the camera!"

15. But before she could thank them. A giant rolling rock was heading towards them! Twilight, thinking quickly blasts the boulder but accidentally shoots Mario's cap.

"Wah! Hey!" said Mario annoyed, "That cap means a lot to me."

"Sorry," said Twilight.

Take 2. Twilight, thinking quickly blasts the boulder to smithereens. But the blast deflects off the boulder and hits the cameraman.

"Ow! My leg!" the cameraman cried as he fell.


Take 3. Twilight, thinking quickly blasts the boulder to smithereens. But the blast deflects off the boulder and hits the ceiling. The ceiling crumbles and falls onto Twilight. 

"Somebody!" she cried "Help me!"

16. "Action!"

"Yoshi!" cried Luigi, "It's been a while! I missed you!"

"You too L-"

Before Yoshi could finish his sentence, Mario gave him a cold stare to make sure he remembered his brother's name.


"You already say Louis," Mulan reminded.

"Oh, yeah right," said Yoshi.

Take 2.

"Yoshi!" cried Luigi, "It's been a while! I missed you!"

"You too L-"

Before Yoshi could finish his sentence, Mario gave him a cold stare to make sure he remembered his brother's name.


"Luigi!" said Mulan "Luigi!"

"Luigi," said Yoshi, "Right. Got it."

Take 3.

"Yoshi!" cried Luigi, "It's been a while! I missed you!"

"You too L-"

Before Yoshi could finish his sentence, Mario gave him a cold stare to make sure he remembered his brother's name.


Mulan face-palmed her face in annoyance, while Mario just walked offset.

"Mamma mia," said Luigi "This is the twentieth take. I can't take this anymore. I'll be in my trailer."


But all of a sudden, Eyerok began to short circuit and fell.

"Oh, does this mean we could break for lunch?" Yoshi asked.

18. They landed back on the same spot where they spawned the pipes. But Wario kept on falling and landed in the castle moat.

"Why does this only happen to me?" asked Wario, dizzy.

19. The snowman blew them all away, their hats flew off and landed on the wrong people. While the hats stayed on Mario, Luigi, and Wario, they saw Elsa and began to laugh.

"Hey, what's-" Elsa saw herself as a puppy and began to laugh.

"Ok, very funny," she said.

"You gotta admit," said Yoshi "She does look cute."

20. They walked up and claimed their prize. But one by one they immediately slipped off the snowman's head.

"Could we get more wax on the top?" the director asked.


That's all of the outtakes! See you in the next story!

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