Wario's Rescue

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Our heroes exited Bowser's realm with the key to the top floor. They walked upstairs and unlocked the door. This led to a room full of paintings.

"Woah!" said Yoshi and Mulan in unison, "Look at all these paintings!"

"Some of these actually look familiar," said Twilight.

"Where should we go first?" asked Luigi.

"How about that room to the left?" said Mario, pointing to the door.

They walked into the room which turned out to be a mirror room. They saw Lakitu filming them.

"Oh! Lakitu," said Mario "Forgot you were filming us."

"It's alright," he said, "Hey! I see Wario's painting in the reflection!"

"But it's a painting of Luigi there," said Elsa.

Just then, they noticed the vanish cap on the pedestal and used it to walk through the "mirror" revealing it to not be a reflection at all. But rather a parallel room.

"Bowser," smirked Mario, "You try to be SO clever. But we see through your trickery."

The septet jumped through the painting on the other side.

They landed in a frigid ice world and immediately slid down a slide. After the ice slide was a large chasm with tilting platforms. It was a long way down.

"Whatever you guys do," said Mario, "DON'T LOOK DOWN!"

After the platforms, they took a leap of faith and were luckily caught by an updraft. After walking on some huge blocks of ice, they did a mountain climb. Some Mizzter Blizzards tried to stop them, but they reinged victorious.

"Brrrr!" said Luigi, "Can it get any colder up here?!"

"Yeah," said Yoshi, "I can't stand this! I'm cold blooded!"

"Seriously, Elsa," said Sweetie, "How can you tolerate this weather?!"

"What can I say?" she replied, "The cold never bothered me anyway."

"Look!" said Mario, pointing up ahead.

In front of them was a large ball of ice with eyes, a yellow horn, an ice mustache and green feet.

"You seven!" he shouted, "I am the king of cold, Chief Chilly. I lock up anyone who challenges the superiority of my 'stache. In fact, I locked up one such fellow just the other day."

"Wario!" said the Mario Bros.

"Hmm," he said, "Aside from the fine ladies. What sad mangy mustaches you two got there. It hardly seems worth it to destroy you. With 'staches like that, you're weak against the chilling mustache I have. But I'm between meetings now, so I might as well. In the battle for the best mustache, I'll win, hairs down. Ha ha ha! Bring it on peach fuzzes!"

Chief Chilly tried to ram into them, but they got out of the way. Mulan knocked him into the freezing water, making him jump and break the arena apart. Twilight blasted him with her magic and pushed him towards the edge again. Luigi and Sweetie realized this as the Bully battles in Lethal Lava Land, together they combined their strength, ended Chief Chilly into the water. He started to melt as he tosses Wario's key to the heroes.

"To me, that guy needs to groom his mustache more," said Mario.

"Agreed," Luigi added.

They teleported back to the character room with the doors and unlocked Wario's door.

"Yeah!" he shouted, "I'm free at last! Time to rustle up some koopa!"

"Yeah you're welcome, Wario," said Mario sarcastically.

"At least the whole gangs here now," said Mulan.


End of chapter!

We're nearing the end here. It's been quite a journey. But we still have 6 more areas to visit!

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