Cavern of the Metal Cap

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Mario and Co. laned in a cave with a real fast stream. But when they landed, they felt a little harder than usual.

"Are we heavier here?" wondered Sweetie, "Or is it just me?"

"S-S-Sweetie..." Luigi stuttered.

"What is it? Y-"

Sweetie stopped midway in her sentence when she saw Luigi.

"What happened to you?!" she cried.

"What do you mean?"

Luigi took a look at his hand and saw it was now metal! Mario and Yoshi were metal as well. As for Sweetie and the girls, they were sorta metal. Except with them, they looked more gem-like. Sweetie's entire body, including Busby were a shimmering pink pearl color. Mulan was a shiny jade green. Twilight was a sparkly amethyst, and Elsa was pure slick turquoise.

"This is weird!" said Twilight.

"Well easy for you to say." said Yoshi, "I'm jealous of what the power-up did to you girls."

"Another transformation." Mario stated, "Wonder what this one does."

The septet continued through the cave. And when they fell in the stream, they were immune to the waves and could walk underwater. They didn't have to worry about breathing either!

"I can see the star up ahead!" said Mulan, "Let's go!"

The Metal and Gem heroes made their way through the stream's waves and grabbed the star at the end.


End of chapter!

Sorry if that one was too short. i wanted to include at least two of the stars in Hazy Maze Cave, even though this secret star was in a course. The next two chapters, I plan to focus on Sweetie. So stay tuned!

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