Chapter 13

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Chaeyeon's PoV

Gladly, my members aren't there. I ask Yujin to ask them to go out so they are not really here.

"So, what are you going to do here?" I heard Appa said. He already know so maybe he is making them far from the room.

"We are going to check the whole dorm." What?! That can't be. But they won't saw the room here.

Our group have two home. First is this dorm and the second is a house. The room where Sakura's pictures are beside the house so it's not here. The dorm is when we have comeback.

"Appa, they also have house." Sakura said.

How did she know?? Oh, I remember. It's because of Yujin that might tell her. That dog!

"A-anyway, let's go in."

"No, let's go to your house." Uncle said.

My hands start to sweat and before I could answer..

"Aren't we going to check the dorm?" Sakura save me there.

I think she notice how I act when her father want to go to our house.

How do I say? She is looking at me earlier.

Sakura's PoV

I can't help but to look at this beautiful figure beside me.

"No, let's go to your house." My appa said and I am very excited to see what will be on that mystery room!!

But as I notice Chaeyeon, starting to panic, I guess she doesn't want someone to see what is inside. So me wanting to be a good person, I persuade my appa to just go to the dorm.

"Appa, can we just monitor here in the dorm?" I start to act.

"We also need t-"

"I am already tired." If I make a complain, it would be okay since I am the only one who is willing to manage the company among my sisters.

If he didn't accept then goodbye company.

"Ok, fine."


Chaeyeon heard what we are talking about since she and her dad are only near on us. I saw her getting back to normal after what my father said.

The entire tour end up happily with eating outside.

Yes, we all eat. Our father, Chaeyeon and I go to her father's restaurant as her father suggest it.

I even meet her mother and sisters because we bump into each other while I am ordering.

"Eat more." That's how I end up here.

My father left me because of a meeting which is supposed to be mine but he go to it.

"It's fine and I am already full, Mrs. Lee." I said before taking the last food on my plate.

"Unnie, where is Yuna? I haven't have any connections on her after she graduate." Chaeryeong sadly whispered on me.

"Shh, stop there!! Let me know her since you all already knew her!" Before I could answer her, Mrs. Lee drag me out of the restaurant and she go shopping and I follow her.

"Sakura, you really look familiar."

"Mrs. L-"

"Just call me Aunt Momo."

"Aunt, we haven't meet before so maybe you just mistaken me with someone."

"Maybe your right!! What a smart girl! Let's go!" She suddenly said before holding my wrist.

"Where?" I shockingly asked.

"I am gonna find an outfit for you!!" She said before dragging me to another store.


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