Just as Cathy's about to say something about Jane looking nice, Anne comes tumbling down the stairs. Literally. Catherine is right behind her, horror on her face as she flutters over her worriedly. Jane gets up and rushes to her cousin's side as well asking if she's okay while stealing glances over at Catherine in curiosity.

Cathy feels another feeling sink in her stomach when Jane continues to glance at her godmother. Jane seems to be interested in her romantically, and Cathy doesn't want to be the one to tell her that she's definitely with Anne. Yes, that's why she feels so sad. She doesn't want to make Jane sad.


Kat skips through the garden, happy as a clam, searching for everyone's favorite garden duck. Anna watches from the side smiling fondly at her. It's almost painful to watch her pine over Kat, but they also understand why she doesn't just tell her that she likes her.

Jane sits with a cup of tea in hand and watches them both while shaking her head. Catherine comes out a moment later and sits next to Jane. When Anne comes out her face falls at the sight of Catherine so close to Jane, and Cathy is right behind her in that sense. They stand off to the side, watching them interact, and even though it isn't very nice Cathy makes a few teasing comments about them probably being a couple.

A twinge of sadness shoots through her the moment she says it, and she feels confusion as to why she's so sad again. For an author that's written so many stories, she sure is dull. Once again she pins her sadness on breaking the news that Araleyn is totally a thing.

Anne eventually storms back inside, more upset than Cathy has ever seen. She makes a note to herself that she should apologize later seeing as it upset her so much. Catherine stands and walks inside as well, trying to mask her confusion and worry for Anne. Kat squeals in the background because she's finally found the garden duck and he's very duckish. Anna laughs and runs towards her, claiming to want to see him up close, but really just wants to be near Kat.

Jane laughs at both of them, before turning to Cathy. She pats the chair that Catherine was sitting in only a moment ago, but Cathy declines this offer. Instead she goes upstairs and completely misses the rejected look on Jane's face.


Cathy is sent to go grocery shopping with Jane and immediately wishes she wasn't. Jane, as it turns out, when grocery shopping is kind of a monster. You can't go off the list, you can't ruin her system, you have to pick the right thing first try, and you have to hear her the first time.

The employees know to look out for Jane Seymour, because she will tear you apart if you don't do things right. At least, that's what she's told by Catherine, who normally accompanies Jane. At the moment she's 'sick' and needs to stay home. Rather interestingly, Anne is also 'sick' and can't go either.

It's just a coincidence, totally.

But instead of demon Jane, she gets angel Jane. The normal Jane. Cathy even messes up on purpose to try and get a rise out of her. But instead she gets an understanding look and Jane explains it to her.

Cathy almost calls her godmother and calls her a liar because all she's been is perfect. But briefly, so intermittently briefly, Cathy sees a flare of annoyance in her eyes and she realizes she's holding back. When Cathy gets home she immediately goes up to her sick godmother and tells her what happened. Long story short Catherine thinks it's unfair that she didn't have to tame Jane, and Anne suddenly needed something from Catherine so they disappeared.


Cathy then has a very, very risque dream about Jane. When she wakes up she's panting, not from fear, but from excitement. But still she remains oblivious to her feelings. When dawn breaks Cathy is downstairs by some miracle. When Jane wakes only a few hours later she comes downstairs and almost has a heart attack.

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