"I am....speechless." Bernice breathed out, looking Brooklyn up and down. Brooklyn did a slight spin, staring at her whole outfit in the mirror. She had to admit that she looked beautiful and felt more beautiful than ever before.

"Niecy, what if he starts to get cold feet? Or what if I get cold feet? What if something goes wrong...what if nobody show up? What if-." Bernice grabbed Brooklyn's arm and led her to sit in the nearest seat.

"Bitch please be quiet. Everyone is already here Brooklyn, every single seat is full as we speak and filling up. He won't get cold feet and if he does then he's a dumb ass." Brooklyn placed a hand on her forehead dramatically and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Is his mom here? Can you get her or something, I really need to talk to her." Bernice raised an eyebrow and nodded, walking out to grab Joyce.


"Shit." Chris cursed frustrated, his shaky hands not allowing him to tie his tie correctly. Trey looked over at his friend who looked a bit distraught.

"Nigga breathe, the hell you shaking and shit for?!" Trey walked up to Chris, grabbing the tie from out his hand.

"Man I don't know, this is really bout to happen. After today, imma really be a husband, that shit is wild." Trey chuckled, finishing up the last loop on the tie. Chris silently thanked him and sat down, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Don't tell me you getting second thoughts." Trey said, grabbing a bottle of water and sitting across from Chris. Chris ran his hand down his face, running his tongue over his bottom lip.

"Nah it's not- it's not that. I don't know, this is a big commitment. I know for a fact she's the one and I know for a fact that's who I want to spend the rest of this lifetime with, but- fuck, I don't know." Trey nodded, seeing Chris start to get frustrated once again.

"I think you're just scared to be honest, but you don't have nothing to be scared of. Yes, this is a big commitment, but if you're so certain that she's the one for you then push these thoughts to the side. She's showed you multiple times that she's the one. I know this, you know this, everyone knows this. Not to mention, she also gave you them three beautiful kids that y'all got. There ain't no better than Brooklyn, at least not for you." Chris smiled at the thought of her alone, she was something special.

"I just want to see her, it's hard to believe this is really happening. We've been together for what...8 years or something like that and it's finally about to happen. I don't even know-." Suddenly, Chris was interrupted by the dressing room door being busted open. He looked up to see Raine, who seemed stressed out, carrying Maliyah while Micah and Malachi ran up to their dad.

"Woah, calm down." Chris smiled, sitting them both on either side of him. Raine said nothing, placing Maliyah right in Chris's arms and walking out of the room. Chris looked at Trey confused, but of course he was no help.

"Y'all little niggas looking all sharp and shit." Trey ran his hand over Micah's little fade causing the boy to laugh and curl up towards his dad. Chris looked down at Maliyah, kissing her chubby cheeks. She was literally a refection of him. All of the kids looked more like Chris than Brooklyn, but Maliyah was his twin and it was undeniable.

"Hi princess." Chris cooed, smiling down at her. She was wide awake, her big eyes looking around at everything. She had on a tiny white dress with white socks and a white headband. Being that she was still very small, they didn't want to put too much on her.

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