Chapter 3

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TW: Mentions of the sides pasts, Therapy (I know it's odd, but some people have had bad experiences in therapy), Mentions of self-harm

Three-Hundred-Eighty-Four Days After Escape | Saturday | September 12th

It was about eight in the morning. Virgil and Roman were still asleep but Logan and Patton were both awake. Logan wasn't a fan of sleeping in and would normally only allow it if the previous day had kept him up late or if Patton absolutely insisted he stay in bed with him. Otherwise, Logan was out of bed early nearly every day. And Patton was awake because he needed to take Hiro on a walk, which Logan was kind enough to join him on.

They had taken him to a small park nearby and were letting Hiro off his leash freely. Which technically wasn't allowed, but there were very few people in the park and it wasn't like Hiro to bother them. He probably wouldn't even approach them unless they were displaying the signs of distress he was meant to look out for. Plus it wasn't like they weren't going to clean up after Hiro, and they were keeping an eye on him. Nobody was complaining, it should be fine.

Hiro was running around excitedly, sniffing each bush and plant and bench at the park with his tail wagging swiftly behind him. Every so often he would turn back to Logan and Patton, checking on them to see if they were okay and still there, before looking back at whatever he was standing in front of.

Patton and Logan were talking about their classes. Patton had taken a few of the one's Logan and Virgil took now, and would often help them study seeing as he knew what was coming next. Though the curriculum was slightly different seeing as he had taken the classes online. They had just started shifting over to a different topic when something caught Logan's eye.

"You aren't supposed to pet him," Logan said to the man leaning over Hiro not too far away. The man looked up, seeming almost startled to have caught their attention. "He's a trained ESA. Strangers aren't supposed to pet him"

"Oh, sorry 'bout that, I guess the vest should've told me that huh?" The man asked as he pointed to Hiro's red vest. They all made sure to put it on him whenever they took him out, a few people knew that it meant you weren't supposed to pet them (or to at least ask) but not everyone did.

"it's okay," Patton assured as he and Logan approached the man, "He's just working right now. It kind of confuses them."

"What's his name?"

"Hiro," Logan replied, "With an I, not an E" for some reason the nerd would always add that fact. He was the only one who introduced Hiro like that Patton thought it was adorable.

"Like from Big Hero 6?" the man asked. They nodded, "My boyfriend and I love that movie! He really likes Aunt Cass but I like Fred and Honey Lemon"

"Tadashi and Callaghan were my favorites," Logan replied, smiling slightly as the topic switched.

"I like Honey Lemon too! And BayMax. I guess that's just cause I like helping people though."

"Oh, that's amazing!" The man smiled as he stuck his hand out, "My name is Emile, do you how do?"

Patton smiled and they shook Emile's hand "Patton, and this is Logie-"


"What was that last bit?" Patton asked

Emile waved his hand dismissively, "Never mind, it's just how I greet people."

"What brings you to the park this morning Emile?" Logan asked

"Oh! I'm meeting a friend at a cafe. I wanted to stop by the park for a bit. People are so happy at the park, it's kinda nice to watch that for a bit. You don't always get to see that." Emile smiled slightly embarrassed. "I'm sorry does that sound weird?" 

We Want To Be Normal SEQUEL{Sanders Sides Super Hero AU}Where stories live. Discover now