Chapter 4

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TW: Mentions of blood, Attempted kidnapping, 

Three-Hundred-Ninety-Two Days After Escape | Sunday | September 20th

Despite it having been more than a year Virgil was still not able to remain worry-free when the others went off to perform their hero duties. It was easier to stay calm when it was the simple walks, or patrols as Roman insisted they call them. But when it was an actual villain, or a bank robbery, or a fire or something, all those were much harder to stay calm during.

A few months ago when the three had gone back to doing hero work Logan had been able to make it so their phones would get a notification when something that would require their hero selves to come help. Somehow this app or whatever was able to filter out the smaller things or stuff they couldn't help out on with stuff that did require their attention. And when they got the notification they would all type in the group chat (if they weren't already together anyway) to let the others know what was going on and stuff.

It only happened once, maybe twice a week. If that. Last week there had been nothing that required the heroes. But today was not one of those days. Today the notification had gone off on the phones and the work had begun. 

The four had been scattered around the house when it happened. Virgil and Roman were watching a movie, Logan was working on a study plan for his students, and Patton was working on another arts and crafts project for the daycare. Four bells went off and soon Patton was portaling Logan, Roman, and himself out of the house and to wherever the danger was. Virgil would stay behind with Hiro either watching the news or trying to stay occupied to keep his mind from worrying.

This time though, Virgil couldn't find anything on the news. This was odd seeing as the notification says they believe it was a 'Super Related Incident' and the media tended to eat that stuff up. But no, the TV was void of any and all information, leaving Virgil worried and clueless.

They had arrived at the scene just as they normally do, with very little information. Logan's app thing wasn't super-advanced, and even if it was most of the information came from police scanners anyway. So lots of information was not something they had access to. 

When they arrived at the scene it was surrounded by people, not just cops. But a mob of people. They had portaled right into the center of the large crowd too, making it difficult to move around. Especially since once people noticed them they would either freeze up or try and grab them. Logan led them through the crowd while Patton held both their hands so as to not get separated from each other. When they finally got to the front the chaos behind them seemed like absolutely nothing compared to what was now in front of them. 

A young teen was leaning against a wall with tears streaming down their face in an obvious panic. They was holding onto their arm as though it was injured, and blood stained their white T-shirt. Not too far away, three people in suits laid unconscious, along with another teen in a T-shirt and jeans. Paramedics were surrounding the unconscious bodies while police threw question after question to the teen.

Patton immediately jumped forward, pushing policemen out of the way as he came up to the teen. "Hi there," Patton said as he kneeled in front of them, "Can I touch you? Your arm looks hurt, I can try and heal it." They looked up at the police with fear. Patton noticed and waved his hand, the men fell through a portal, appearing a good ten feet away, "Don't worry about them, just me okay? Can I touch you?" Roman and Logan watched from a distance but soon went to go help the emergency responders.

"Will it hurt?" They asked him quietly

Patton shook his head, "No, it shouldn't. It'll just feel a little funny" They seemed hesitant but then nodded. Patton placed a hand on their uninjured shoulder, "What your name? And pro-nouns?"

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