Chapter 22

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TW: Mentions of Nightmares, Mentions of Abuse, Explicit language warning

Four Hundred and Thirty-Four Days After Escape | Saturday | November 1st | Día de Los Muertos

The day before had been Halloween. Anybody who had known Virgil for long enough would learn that Halloween was his favorite holiday. He was crazy about the spooky-themed holiday. More so than Patton was with birthdays and Roman was to Valentine's day. His dedication to the holiday was truly something to be admired. Virgil had been making his own costumes for years, and he always did at least a little bit of decorating.

The night before they had gone to a Halloween party at the theater Roman and Virgil went to. It was an annual event that Norah put together. Every crew member and actor was invited and welcome to bring one plus one. This would normally work just fine seeing as, normally, there were four of them. However this year there was Remy. It hadn't been a difficult problem to solve. Really all it took was telling Norah Remy was in town and asking if he could come. Norah had, of course, said yes but then proceeded to yell at them for several minutes. She wanted to know why she hadn't been told that Remy, one of her best friends, was in town before then.

Anyways, they had gone to the party. And, for the most part, had enjoyed their time. Remy seemed to have been happier than he had been since his arrival when he and Norah spent some time together. Logan had to (reluctantly) pull Patton away from the snack table when Ethan went to get him and Quinn a soda. Virgil and Roman had danced a little bit. And Norah had learned of Remy's 'breakup', except instead of telling her his ex nearly got him kidnapped they told her he cheated on him and Norah was now planning a murder, so that was fun. 

They had come back around midnight and everyone except Remy had gone to sleep pretty quickly, even Virgil, though that may have been because he had had a small anxiety attack while they were out. Remy, though, stayed up almost all night, just stared out of Virgil's bedroom window, and played around with his powers until he heard the others beginning to wake up. He hadn't gotten much sleep at all during his stay. Not that he got very much in general, but he got enough to keep bags from growing under his eyes and keep him a semi-functional adult. Recently though, his sleep schedule had gotten a little... lax. 

In the few days he had been here, the bags from under he had been able to avoid had begun to show. He always seemed at least a little disheveled compared to his normal demeaner and look. His mind wandered easily and frequently, something surprisingly uncommon for him. And several other differences had been spotted in him that made the others worry slightly.

It didn't help that he hadn't been drinking as much coffee. Going from at least six cups a day to maybe one or two had taken a toll on him. While coffee made some people hyper, super aware, and kept them wide awake coffee seemed to have an opposite effect on Remy. It kept him calm, functional, and sharpened his mind. Without it he became fidgety, jumpy, and a little bit impulsive. One could easily confuse his actions of restlessness and jumpiness for ADHD or maybe even anxiety. 

He wasn't healthy, that much was obvious. And though the others had tried their best to help Remy there wasn't much they could do. Remy just wouldn't listen. He didn't, no, couldn't sleep. He refused to do something to help him relax unless it was cooking. And the normally extroverted young man had been pretty introverted these past few days. He seemed most comfortable around Virgil and Patton, recently he had gotten a little more comfortable around Roman as well but that was mostly because out of everyone Roman seemed to understand everything he felt the best. It wasn't as if Remy hadn't tried to sleep or stay calm and healthy. He had, he had tried very very hard. But, it hadn't worked and there wasn't much anybody could do about that.

Roman was in his room now. Virgil sat in his lap, his head resting on Roman's shoulders and his arms and legs wrapped around the other, he was fast asleep. Roman sighed as he put his script for Beauty and the Beast down on the empty space next to him and looked down at his sleeping boyfriend. Still combing his fingers through Virgil's hair he gently pressed a kiss to the top of his head, "Amor," he whispered softly, "Are you awake?" 

We Want To Be Normal SEQUEL{Sanders Sides Super Hero AU}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon