Chapter 9

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TW: Ethan, Roman's Past, Abandonment, Therapy, Very brief mentions of, prison, rehab, death, homelessness, fire, burning buildings, war. (Most of this is just talking about U.S History)

Four Hundred and Nine Days After Escape | Wednesday | October 7th

"I got an A on my last History test," Gio said

"That's cool," Virgil told him. Abby had asked Virgil to take some of the kids to the park and Gio had tagged along "Nells helped you study?"

Gio shook his head, "Naw, he bumped my grade," Virgil looked at him slightly shocked, "I only got a B. I got six questions wrong. Talked to him about it after class, he just told me that the white house burned down in 1814, not 1812."

"Whys that important? Was it on your test?"

"No. We're learning about Manifest Destiny right now not the war of 1812. But I did what you said, wrote something about history and stuff..."

"You did? What was your story about?" Virgil asked.

Gio shrugged and forced the swing he was sitting on to go higher, "Didn't write a story. I wrote a poem, from the perspective of this kid who worked in the white house when it burned down."

"That's great Gio, good job."

"Should you really be congratulating a child for buying his grade?" A familiar voice asked from next to Virgil, making the other jump. "And just so you are aware, the poem you created is a ballad"

"Jesus Logan, can't you just say hi like a normal person?" Virgil asked

"Apologies Virgil, I did not mean to startle anyone," Logan said as he straightened his tie, "I was only here to drive you home, Abby informed me you were here."

Virgil sighed, "Gio, this is Logan he's one of my roommates and friends"

Gio waved as he continued to swing higher, "Hi."

"Salutations, Virgil are you ready to leave?"

"Logan I can't leave a bunch of kids at a park alone. I gotta walk them back to the foster house,"

"I can walk everyone back," Gio offered.

Virgil shook his head, "Sorry Gio, Abby would have my head if I did that and I got plans tonight so I'm not in the mood to die. Camon let's get everyone rounded up" Virgil got off the swing and Gio slowly came to a stop and followed behind Virgil and Logan, hands stuffed into the pockets of his red jacket as Virgil called for the other kids to gather their things so they could get going. 

As they approached the house they could see Abby standing on the porch greeting each of the kids. "Gio, there's a letter here from your parents," Abby said as she held up an envelope. 

Gio smiled widely and immediately began running the rest of the way up to the house, "Bye Virge see ya next week!" Gio said as he ran. He thanked Abby before taking the letter and running into the house. 

"I'm confused," Logan told Virgil, "Are his parents not deceased?"

Virgil shook his head, watching to make sure the kids all got in the house before they turned towards the car, "Just because they're foster kids doesn't mean they're all orphans." Virgil said, "It's not my place to say why Gio's here. Some of these kids have been in foster care all their life, their parents gave them up at birth or something happened when they were really little. Some of them have parents in prison, rehab, or who just couldn't afford to take care of them. Foster care keeps a lot of the kids off the streets while their parents do their best to try and get them back. Some are luckier than others, but all of them are suffering. When we finally finish school, Logan, I'm gonna do my best to make it so they won't suffer so much."

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