Chapter 12

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TW: Ethan, Roman's past, Violence, Anxiety, Disassociation, Mentions of Funeral's

Four Hundred and Eighteen Days After Escape | Thursday | October 16th

"Wait a second," Virgil said with a smile as he and Norah painted sets, again, "You and the director?"

Norah shrugged with a small smile and a blush, "I dunno,"

"You don't know?"

"Well, nothing is official yet." Norah clarified, "We ran a couple of classes over the summer together to get some extra cash for the theater. We got to know each other a little better and a couple of days before auditions she asked me out on a date"

"She asked you?" Virgil said with surprise and a smirk.

Norah laughed, "Yeah, I almost said no. I haven't dated anybody since highschool. Quinn was telling me to just start online dating but, you know I'm not into that kind of thing" Virgil smiled at his friend as they continued painting, "Anyway, I said yes and she took me out for ice cream. It was fun, nothing huge, I liked it. And on the next date she took me rollerblading, she looks great in neon. Not a lot of people can pull it off but she can"

Virgil shook his head at the comment, "So how many dates have you-"

Before Virgil could finish the sound of a set crashing to the floor and a cry of pain sounded through the theatre. Some might have been able to dismiss this as the actors just getting too distracted and into character but neither of them could, none of the scenes called for sets to tip over, and Virgil knew that it had been Roman who cried out. Immediately Virgil and Norah shot to their feet and raced to the front of the stage. Roman was pinned underneath one of the set pieces, his nose spilling blood as he struggled to get out.

Quinn was struggling to lift the set on his own, while the director said something about getting a first aid kit and Ethan was nowhere to be seen. "I need four crew members now!" Norah demanded loudly as she joined her cousin in trying to lift the heavy set-piece, in almost no time at all crew members had come forward and lifted the piece off of the struggling actor.

Virgil and Quinn helped Roman to his feet just as Ethan came out from backstage with a stool and a wet cloth. "Here, let him sit," Ethan instructed. Virgil hesitated for a moment but Quinn continued to lead Roman to the stool and had him sit down.

"Lean your head back Roman," Ethan said as he tried to put the washcloth against Roman's face only for him to flinch back.

"I can do it," Virgil said as he tried to take the cloth away but was stopped by Quinn.

"Ethan's in med school, you should let him do it," they said. Virgil glanced at Roman who was letting Ethan hold the cloth to his bleeding nose, his hands gripping tightly to the stool as he tried to keep himself grounded and calm. Virgil received a small nod from Roman and with a sigh gave in.

"What happened?" Norah asked as the crew members made sure the set-piece was unharmed and put back in place. 

"Stage combat just got a little out of hand," The director said, she was finally back with a first aid kit and some ice, "We were rehearsing the scene where Gaston and the Beast fight and Ethan hit Roman for real instead of faking it, Roman then knocked down the set-piece and here we are"

"I didn't mean to hit him," Ethan said quickly when he received confused glances from the crew and an angry one from Virgil, "I just lunged a little too far forward. I haven't done stage combat in a while,"

There was a slightly uncomfortable pause that Norah broke, "You guys should've been more careful. Someone could have gotten hurt or you could have damaged something," she sounded more like an irritated mother than a concerned friend. 

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