Chapter 18

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TW: Injuries, Talking about Kidnapping (and anything else that happened in the last chapter) Briefly speaking about Deceit and Remus, Mentions of robberies, Panic Attacks, Repressing Panic Attacks, Mentions of Fire, Mentions of Nightmares, Not Eating, Relocating Dislocated Shoulder,

Four Hundred and Thirty Days After Escape | Tuesday | October 28th

"I'm sorry," Remy said, his voice shaking slightly. Virgil had never seen him so scared before, it was almost unsettling. "I know you guys probably hate me and I deserve that. B-but I had nowhere else to go, they were after me Anx,"

Virgil said nothing, he didn't know what to say and could only look away from him. Roman spoke instead, taking Virgil's hand as he did, "How did you even know where we lived?"

"You'd be surprised what five bucks can get you on the internet," Remy said with a shrug, the grimace afterward let them know there was something wrong with his shoulder. Patton hadn't healed him yet, they wanted to wait till Virgil and Roman got back and they had talked about it before anybody did anything. "Norah said you guys moved. Virgil was very close to me when we were younger, and even with everything that happened while we were in high school and with what happened last year I care about him. It's a creeper move, I know, but once all the disappearances started happening, I did it just in case I might need to find him." Remy shook his head, "When I did it, I thought it would because you were in danger, never thought it'd be me"

"There's been disappearances where you're at too?" Patton asked, they knew it was happening all around the state, but they didn't know where in the state.

Remy nodded, "Three, two seventeen-year-old twins and a man in his thirties. Skeletor too I guess, I tried to save them all but honestly I could give a rats ass about Skeletor"

"And who, may we ask, is Skeletor?"

"Biggest villain in my city since I stepped down,"

"You stepped down? According to the news, you're still doing crimes" Roman said calmly, they could sense bits of anger in his voice though.

"I'm an anti-villain now. It's different than a villain," Remy said he pressed the icepack Patton had given him to his face, hoping the cold would numb the pain and stop the swelling, "It's crimes too but not exactly bad crimes. The rest is hero work. It's like I'm a hero and a villain at the same time" He shook his head slightly, "You guys have no idea what kind of trouble I went through to get a new contractor"


Virgil sighed, "Villains like Remy, Remus, Deceit, and me I guess, worked under a contractor. They're the ones who tell us what crimes to commit and pay us and all that. They give us half the money in advance and the rest afterward." He looked at his friends, "Only like, fifteen percent of our crimes were something Deceit chose."

Remy nodded, "And when I started refusing anything too big they got angry, took me a whole month to get away from them and then another two to get a contractor and I'm still getting death threats from the first."

"Oh," was the only reply anybody gave to the two ex-villains. There was a silence that lasted a good minute before Remy cursed under his breath and wiped tears away from his face.

"Kiddo?" Patton said, placing a hand on Remy's he was surprised when they pulled away, "Are you okay?"

Remy nodded as he tried to hold everything in, "I'm fine. Shit. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. Damn it, Remy. You're fine. I'm fine" Remy's shoulders began to shake slightly and his breaths became sloppy. They watched as he just kept going like that, eventually, Hiro came running out from Patton's room and jumped into Remy's lap. "Who's this?" Remy said with a hiss of pain as Hiro put his paws on Remy's chest.

We Want To Be Normal SEQUEL{Sanders Sides Super Hero AU}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt