Chapter 2

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TW: Mentions of Bullying

Three-Hundred-Eighty-Two Days After Escape | Thursday | September 10th

It was five in the afternoon on a Thursday. According to the color-coded agenda Logan had made and hung in the living room that meant that Roman and Virgil were at play rehearsal, Patton was on his way home, and that Logan was just about to begin a tutoring session with two of his new students.

A set of siblings named Terry and Leo. Terry was a fifth-grader who had privately confessed to Logan that they didn't like being called a girl but they didn't feel like they were a boy either. Logan used they/them pronouns for them. They seemed to like that but also asked them to not tell their parents yet. Terry struggled in History and English the most, vocabulary, dates, and when to use what kind of punctuation was difficult for them.

Leo was a wild and energetic seventh-grader who struggled in science and intro to french. Notes from teachers mentioned that Leo was hyper and jumped around in his seat too much, spoke too loud, and spoke out of turn while in class. Patton was a little upset when Logan had told him this, arguing that Leo was a child and that's what children do. Logan found himself agreeing, but did have to admit that it was hard to keep Terry focused if their brother was acting in such a hyper way.

Both seemed to benefit from mnemonics, a pattern used to help people memorize something such as PEMDAS or SOH CAH TOA, and Logan often recruited Roman's help in creating a few if the internet couldn't provide him with suitable ones.

Logan entered the library and moved towards one of the newly installed private rooms which he had rented beforehand. Through the glass he could see the two siblings already waiting for him, one of their fathers was on his phone just outside the room, they acknowledged each other with a wave as Logan entered the room. "Hello Terry and Leo, how was your school day?" he asked as he pulled out two folders with the children's names on it. There were three more folders in the bag as well, each with a different name on it; Izzy, Ralph, Gina. 

"Someone stuck gum in my hair," Terry said. 

Logan looked up, fearing that he'd have another one of his students being terrorized by other children. Terry seemed to recognize this as they quickly waved their arms and shook their heads, "No, no no no It's not a bad thing. It's good! Now I have an excuse to get my hair cut really short! Look, I want it like this" Logan watched Terry snatch their brother's phone away and bring up a picture of an androgynous person with short hair and highlights of several different neon colors. 

"Dad and Papa want to talk to the teacher tomorrow. They said that even if Terry doesn't care that someone put gum in her hair it's not good"

Terry looked down at their history book, signaling to Logan they wanted to be done with the conversation now. 

"I'm sure your parents will figure it out, lets begin with today's session. Leo, I trust you've been studying your french vocabulary words"

Leo rolled their eyes, "le français est ennuyeux," (French is boring)

Logan nodded, "Very good, now use your other words in a sentence and you will get to pick a prize from the Bag of Doom." Leo smiled excitedly as he started thinking of sentences to use his vocabulary in. 

 The Bag of Doom just a gallon-sized ziplock bag in the bottom of Logan's tutoring bag filled with toys from the dollar store. Patton had told him it might motivate the children a little more and it seemed to work. Virgil had named it and it had come in useful when someone asked about what a red herring was. 

Leo usually picked out a couple of pieces of candy, Terry like the light-up pens, Izzy either picked an animal figurine or whatever dress-up toys had been thrown in there. (Normally eye patches, animal ears, 'magic' wands, or a hat of some kind) His other student, Ralph, liked the mini-figures, and Gina either chose scratch and sniff stickers or smelly markers. She said she liked to stick them on her papers so they smelled nice for her teachers. 

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