Chapter 23

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TW: Lots of dialogue because I'm a no-good stupid fricken writer, Animal cruelty kinda sorta very, Snakes, More language warnings, Falling from dangerous heights, Elephants I guess, Logan's 'dad' again, Oh and those kidnapper dudes.

Four Hundred and Thirty-Five Days After Escape | Sunday | November 2nd

It was early in the morning when Virgil's phone rang, waking him and Roman from their sleep, Roman whined as Virgil pulled away to grab his phone, not even looking at the caller ID as he slid his finger across the screen, "It's seven in the morning on the weekend, there better be a good reason you're calling me" he said into the phone.

"He kissed me!" Gio said loudly, making Virgil have to pull the phone away from his ear.


"Zahid kissed me!" Gio repeated, "I mean, it was only on the cheek but a kiss is a kiss."

Virgil yawned tiredly, "Gio, I'm really tired right now. Can you just explain whatever this is like a normal person or something"

"Okay," Gio said with a nod, "I took Zahid and Nala out on the date to the fall fair last night, and we had a lot of fun. We went on the rides, and Nala and I went through the haunted house while Zahid got us food, and Nala won Zahid and Me these really cute stuffed animals from one of the games. I got a lizard and he got this weird-looking dog and we named them Bill and Steve. And when we got back home and said goodnight Zahid gave me a kiss on the cheek! Oh, and they said that they'd plan the next date. Did you hear that Virgil? They wanna go on another date!"

Virgil hummed, "And you couldn't have told me this yesterday?"

"We didn't get back till right before curfew and if I told you yesterday everyone would have heard."



"I'm gonna go back to sleep and avoid life's responsibilities for another hour or two, call me again after lunch." Virgil didn't wait for Gio to say goodbye before hanging up and putting his phone back down on the nightstand. With a tired sigh, he laid back down, his half-asleep boyfriend immediately wrapping an arm around him and pulling him close. Virgil smiled with content, just about to fall back asleep when his phone rang again. Virgil groaned as he grabbed the phone, "Gio, it's too early for me to give a crap about your love life-"

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" a voice asked, he was too tired to recognize it yet.

"I don't have a mother," he replied before he could stop himself. The angry silence on the other line was enough to make Virgil pull the phone away from his ear and look at the caller ID "Auntie, hi. Shi- I mean shoot. Hi, sorry. I didn't know it was you, sorry."

The woman on the other end sighed, "It's fine Virgil," she said, her voice now sounding worried, "Have you spoken to Remy at all? There's these people looking for him, they won't tell me why and he isn't answering his phone. I'm worried Virgil, it isn't like him"

"Uhm, no. I haven't, is everything okay?" Virgil asked, though he of course already knew the answer seeing as what he had said was a lie and Remy was, in fact, sleeping in the room just above Roman's.

"That's what I'm worried about," his aunt replied, she sighed, "If you hear from him, you let me know right away alright?"

"Yeah, of course" 

"Thank you, bye Virgil, enjoy the rest of your weekend"

"Bye Auntie," He hung up and put the phone down one more time before once again curling into Roman's waiting arms.

Roman placed his chin on top of Virgil's head, "I thought you said you don't talk to your aunts and uncles,"

"Remus and Remy's family," Virgil yawned, "When I got adopted, they made sure I knew they were my family too."

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