Chapter 6

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TW: Anxiety, Mentions of Disassociation, Mentions of Abandonment, Mentions of Kidnapping, Mentions of Death/Murder , Arguing/Yelling,

Three-Hundred-Ninety-Eight Days After Escape | Saturday | September 26th

"I am a grown man! It's been 23 years! He had his chance! We gave him a chance for years! He wasn't in my life before and I don't want him in my life now!" Logan yelled as he paced around the room quickly, his arms waving in the air as if to prove his anger.

Virgil and Patton were sitting next to each other at the island, watching in concern as Logan continued yelling and pacing. Roman was standing at one side of the room, whenever Logan reached him he would turn around and start again. Hiro was whining slightly as he walked next to Logan and bumped his head against Logan's legs. 

"Who does he think he is? Coming into my life like that? Calling himself my father. He isn't my father. He was never my father. Jason was my father. That man was only the person that donated half my chromosomes. He is nothing more than a strand of DNA in my body."

"Logan you need to calm down," Roman said to his friend, "We get that you're angry but-"

"But nothing Roman!" Logan said, swiping his hand in the air, causing Roman to flinch backward and step away from Logan. "He doesn't get to do that. Waiting 23 years after discovering I was going to be born, waiting until I'm not gonna be some problem in whatever perfect world he had, and then just dropping in like that."

"Logie-" Patton began but was interrupted as Logan continued.

"Did you know that he had the audacity to ask if my last name was Vale? Vale! Of all the last names I could have chosen from Vale would be the last. I would rather take Roman's last name than ever have his"

"What's wrong with my last name?" Roman whispered, now looking at the ground as he put a larger distance between him and Logan.

"Nothing Ro, your last name is beautiful," Virgil assured from where he stood.

"-and then! He asked me how work was! As if it was a normal conversation between father and son! As if he knew what I did as a job! And he asked if I had a girlfriend! A girlfriend! I haven't had a girlfriend since I was fourteen!"

Hiro was whining even louder now, confused about if he should comfort Roman or Logan. Patton was looking worriedly back and forth between everyone. 

Virgil sighed and rolled his eyes before waving his hands. In an instant, the shadows in the room shot towards Logan and held onto his feet to keep him from pacing. The nerd looked up at Virgil, halfway through a sentence and fingers trapped in the mess his hair had become. "Logan, I get that you're stressed but you really need to calm down. You're triggering Roman and his disassociative episodes are really hard to manage"

Logan looked over towards Roman, Hiro had finally decided to comfort him and now Roman was holding the small pooch in his lap while the puppy licked at his face. "Oh, I apologize Roman. I did not realize what I was doing, I should have been more aware."

Roman gave a small shrug, "It's okay Lo, I'll be fine. This is a really big deal to you, I get it."

Virgil freed the shadows and they returned to the places they came from, then he made his way over to Roman and sat next to him on the floor. "How'd your dad even get your number anyway?"

Logan sighed tiredly, "You'd be surprised how much information you can be gathered from the internet," he said tiredly, "You don't even have to be a technopath like me to get a phone number."

"What did he say to you, Logie? Nothing bad right?" Patton asked as he gave Logan a hug.

"No, nothing bad so to say" Logan assured as he wrapped his arms around Patton, "he just asked lots of questions and tried to start a conversation. What upsets me the most is how he barely gave a sufficient explanation or apology or anything."

We Want To Be Normal SEQUEL{Sanders Sides Super Hero AU}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن