Chapter 8

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TW: Roman's Past, Anxiety, Mentions of Choking, Mentions of Therapy.

Four Hundred and Six Days After Escape | Sunday | October 4th

There was something about audition day that always made Roman buzz with excitement. It was similar to the feeling he got on opening nights. It made him feel like a kid on Christmas morning. He loved it. Loved that nervousness and electric-like feeling that went through him. Loved how he bounced around like an excited child. Loved how it made him want to start singing songs at the top of his lungs. He really didn't know how to describe it, all he knew was that it made him feel happy and that acting made him happy and that he never wanted to stop.

They were performing Beauty and the Beast this time. One of Roman's favorite Disney Movies, even though he and Virgil had agreed that it was a lot about Stockholm Syndrome and that it wasn't the best but still. Roman liked it. It was a beautiful movie. And Roman had auditioned for none other than the Beast of course. 

He was excited. 

He had been talking to Quinn before they auditioned and according to him the only other guys auditioning for the role weren't nearly as experienced as Roman was. He thought he had a pretty good chance. Quinn had tried out for the spot of Lumiere, he'd probably get the part seeing as he nailed the accent. Like a candlestick version of Lafayette except not as cool, (but Quinn could rap so he had that going for him.) 

"Virgil! Virgil!" Roman said, shaking Virgil's shoulder as he saw the director walking up the steps of the stage with Norah coming up behind her.

Virgil sat next to him, spread out across two theatre chairs with his leg over the armrest, "Calm down Princey," Virgil said with a small smile, "You're gonna mess up my project." He looked up from his sketchbook, "stay still okay? You're my muse."

"But Virgil!" Roman whined, "they're gonna read the cast list!"

"Roman!" Virgil mimicked, "This is due Tuesday. You're amazing and I promise I'll pay attention when they say the words 'Male Lead' okay? I gotta finish this and we both know that Norah is gonna have me start sets as soon as they finish casting. She always puts me on sets"

Roman laughed but both of them turned towards the stage as the director called the theatre of actors to attention. "Okay, so thanks to everyone for auditioning and-" the director began before Norah was interrupted.

"We need crew, so for whoever didn't make it congratulations you made crew. No, it's not an option"

"Thank you, Norah," The director said with a smile and a sigh, "Now, cast list. Belle will be played by Paige Connor.  The Beast by Roman Prince"

"Yes!" Roman yelled as he hugged Virgil and placed a kiss on his head. 

Virgil smiled, "You did amazing Ro. You deserve that role." he told him, "Te amo hasta la luna y de vuelta" (I love you to the moon and back)

"Bueno, te amo hasta las estrellas y de regreso" (Well I love you to the stars and back)

Virgil laughed as he returned to the drawing, "pay attention to the cast list Princey,"

Roman smiled and looked forward again as he took a drink from his water bottle as the director read off more names. "Lumiere by Quinn Jayden, Cogsworth by Keith Moses, Gaston by Ethan Lee, Belles father by-" As soon as the name had hit Roman's ears he broke into a coughing fit as he choked on water. He immediately leaned forward trying to get some air and get the water out of his mouth, succeeding as some of it spilled out of his mouth and onto the floor.

"Ro? Roman!" Virgil said, dropping his sketchbook and turning towards him. 

"I'm fine. I'm fine" Roman managed to choke out.

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