Chapter 45

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TW: Anxiety, mentions of Exposure Therapy , Dissociation, Mentions of Abuse, Mentions of Ethan

Day Eleven | Tuesday | December 4th

Virgil was playing something on Logan's old Gameboy, leaning back on the wall as he did. He wasn't really trying all that hard, mostly just trying to distract himself.  Emile had already come in for an early session and in a couple of hours he'd be escorted to Janus and they'd meet and... Virgil didn't know what would happen. After the meeting, he'd come back here and continue with whatever he'd been doing for the past week.

The door to the cell slid open and an annoyed Wren stepped into the room, handing Virgil his old cell, "Look I don't know who this kid is but he's been spamming your phone for days and when I picked up he threatened to and I quote 'call the police and drown me in apple sauce and vaseline' whatever that means if I didn't let him talk to you. I'm pretty sure he thinks I kidnapped you."

Virgil hesitantly took the phone, "Well, you kinda did."

Wren replied with a grunt of annoyance, "Just talk to the kid so I can get back to my wife. It's my day off Vee."

Virgil glanced down at the caller ID, smiling slightly when he saw Gio's name light up the screen, and brought the phone to his ear, "Gio? Everything okay?"

"Virgil!? Are you okay? Where are you? You went radio silent, we haven't seen you in forever. I tried going to your house but it's all locked up. Did something happen? That person on the phone didn't tell me anything! They said if I keep calling I'm gonna get into trouble! Virgil, what's going on? Are you-"

"Gio, calm down," Virgil broke in with a small grin, "It's fine. I'm fine, not in trouble. Just... not exactly supposed to talk to lots of people right now."

"Qué pasó?" Gio asked, (what happened?) "Where are you?"

"I can't tell you where I am," Virgil said, though part of that was because he didn't exactly know, "But I'm fine, okay?"

"Are you in trouble? Tell me if you're in trouble, I can help."

"I'm not in troub-"

"Is someone listening? Give me some sort of hint or-"

"Gio," Virgil laughed slightly, "I'm fine. I swear, I'm fine."

"Then why haven't you come back?! Why are you avoiding me? You said we were friends Virgil, but you l-left and didn't say anything and-" Gio's voice trailed off and broke into sobs and Virgil quickly sat up in the bed.

"Shit. Gio? Giovonni, calm down, okay buddy? I'm not trying to avoid you. I didn't want to leave you. I promise, okay? We're still friends, kay?" Virgil told him gently, holding up a hand towards Wren when she stepped forward. 

"You're not mad?"

"No, why would I be mad?"

"I dunno," Gio said, and Virgil knew the kid had shrugged a bit, "People get mad for weird reasons sometimes."

Virgil hummed with agreement, "Yeah, they sure do."

"You sure you're not mad?"

"I'm not mad. I just... I'm just going through some weird stuff right now. Me and my roommates all had to leave town all of a sudden, and I'm not really allowed to have contact with a bunch of people right now."

"Oh..." Gio said slowly, "Is that why the person who answered the phone was being kinda rude?"

"Nah, that's just how Wren is," Virgil said, laughing a bit and earning a small glare from his old friend.

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