Chapter 40

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TW: Snakes, Mentions of Death, Threatens of Death, Temporary Paralysis, Virgil's past, Logan's injuries, Mentions of Roman's Injuries, Mentions of Being Eaten Alive, Roman Being a Minor Jerk. (Just a small one, honestly he's just a little bit jealous)

Day Six | Thursday | November 30th

Virgil was reading through his psych textbook at the moment. What made this odd was that he was doing this for fun. There was very little to do in this room and drawing could get old pretty quick. Both Logan and Roman had promised to bring him some form of entertainment but there were apparently rules against some forms of electronics. For now, though, reading a textbook was one of his only forms of entertainment.

He still hadn't heard from Patton since the phone call, which worried him slightly. Patton wasn't the type to ignore someone or be nervous. He wouldn't not visit Virgil. Something had to be keeping him. Logan had said something about Patton doing a bunch of tests so he'd be allowed to heal the others, maybe that was it? He just hoped S.P.O.C.A wasn't gonna push Pat to far. Unlike the rest of them, Patton didn't really tire when he used his powers. He could make a hundred portals in a day and heal several people but still be his excitable and bubbly self. However, what did tire Patton was trying to discover new things about his powers and expand them. And just like the rest of the members in their group, Patton was very bad at admitting he was tired or had had enough...

Maybe next time Logan and Roman came in he could ask them to ask Patton to visit him? 

He missed his friend, he really wanted Pat to come to see him. He had a close bond with all his roommates. Of course, his relationship with Ro was different than the one he had with Logan and Patton but the other two fell into their own subcategory too. Logan was cool because he was rational and smart. They helped each other with homework and had some fun debates, plus Logan always helped him dismiss his irrational thoughts. But Patton was kind and never failed to cheer any of them up, he was always the first person to ask if someone was okay and the last person to leave their side if the answer was no. Everyone was innocent in Patton's eyes. Honestly, Virgil felt more comfortable with Patton than he did with Logan. He missed Patton, he really wanted him to visit.

The sound of the fancy door sliding open made him look up, the moment he realized it wasn't someone in his famILY he looked back down to his book. Emile walked into the room with a happy hum, and a large paper bag "Howdy Virge!" he treated with a big wave.

"Emile," Virgil said, "You didn't visit yesterday. I was beginning to hope you've given up."

"Nope!" Emile said, either missing or ignoring the tone in his voice, "Just had to grab some things. I spent all Wednesday afternoon brainstorming and then most of Thursday driving but now I'm back!"

"Oh goody," He replied with sarcasm, "I sure did miss you. Say, you're not gonna be taking any more surprise trips are you? That would be absolutely awful."

"Wouldn't it just?" Emile could do the sarcasm thing too, he sat down by the door and pulled something out from his bag, "I have other surprises though. Do you like gifts Virgil? You used to hate any gift that was wrapped, only the ones that were wrapped though. You didn't have a problem with them if they were in a bag, just if they were wrapped."

Great, another creepy fact about him. "I dunno, I was always taught not to take stuff from strangers." 

"Well I think this one is just purrfect for you," Emile said before tossing his gift onto the bed he sat on. A stuffed black cat... It was worn from an age now, and the once soft fur had become very dusty and dirty. But the cat was still familiar. It was a beautiful stuffed animal once upon a time. With that super soft fake fur that felt real, you know the type. And filled with the good expensive type of stuffing. Plastic beady eyes that hurt if you got hit with it. A black coat and a white belly. The type of stuffed animal that would seem absolutely overpriced, after all it was just a stuffed cat. But it was a name brand toy company, all their toys were expensive. And most of them were worth it.

We Want To Be Normal SEQUEL{Sanders Sides Super Hero AU}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ