Chapter 43

280 27 35

TW: Language, Burns, Fire, Injuries, Animal Abuse, Roman Really Needs To Stop Being an Ass to a Teen

Day Fourteen | Thursday | December 8th

"Wow, you are bad at this. Arent you?" Adrian said with a frown as Logan failed to hit him with one of the basketballs he had been given to use as 'ammo'. Today it was Roman who was playing the damsel, and the hero was not at all happy about it. He was struggling to try and escape the hold of the snakes but they wouldn't loosen and Adrain was paying him little attention as he focused on the other two. "Patton, stop lingering. Logan can't do this alone, come on."

Patton looked at Adrian with slight confusion, "But I almost always linger. It keeps everyone safe. If I get hurt, I can't heal myself or others."

Adrian rolled his eyes, still ignoring Roman, "You can't be afraid of that. You're gonna get hurt, it's part of being a hero. What you need to do, is learn how to get hurt and keep fighting."


Adrian sighed as he had more snakes surge forward and wrap themselves around Patton and Logan, "But you didn't help when you had a chance and now you lost it. If this was real you'd be dead or captured."

"Patton's role in our team does not follow the role you think it does." Logan began slowly, "It is most logical to have him placed to take a defensive role rather then an offensive one. If the villain and situation calls for it Patton may attempt an offensive role, but because it is harder for him his primary objective is different."

"Well, that's changing now. Orders from Nemo just came in, Patton's gonna relearn his powers. Which means he's gonna have to learn how to do hard things."

"That's not how our team-"

Before Logan could finish Adrain suddenly hissed in pain, several of his remaining snakes took a stance as if to attack, the snake around Roman screeched, and Roman himself cheered triumphantly as he was freed. "Haha! Take that foul villain!" He cried as he showed off a hand with fire burning on the inside.

Adrain glared at the hero before three of his snakes slammed the hero into the wall, hard. They all heard Roman wheeze as the air was knocked out of him and watched as he fell to the ground. Two of the snakes picked him up again and it took a lot of strength to stop them from sending venom into the hero. "First of all, don't pick fights you can't win. Second, the fighting bit was over and we were in the middle of a lesson, meaning nobody is trying to hurt anybody. Next, when you're playing a civilian you act like a civilian. That means now powers. You're an actor, aren't you? Get it right or get off the stage."

"There is no stage, what stage?" Logan muttered, they all ignored him and his lack of figurative understanding.

"I am no damsel," Roman wheezed.

"And my snakes aren't barbecue food. Unless we're 'fighting' keep your powers to yourself. You're very lucky Lucy and Charles are fighting right now, otherwise, she would have killed your ass. She's one of the really venomous ones, and the King Cobra wrapped around your torso."

"I'm sure Roman didn't mean it," Patton said to Adrain, "C-can you maybe get your snakes away from him? You threw him pretty hard."

Adrain turned back to them, "That's up to them. They're very protective of each other." Regardless he asked the snakes to let the heroes go and they obliged, but not before giving Roman one more tight and painful squeeze. Adrain walked over to Charles, the snake Roman had hurt, and gave him a quick check-up. He cooed at the poor reptile and ran his hand over it as he checked to make sure the severity of the injuries. Eventually, Adrain decided he'd be fine after a bit of time and medicine. He sent another glare at Roman before having all his snakes turn back into hair, "We're done for now, we'll pick it up tomorrow." 

We Want To Be Normal SEQUEL{Sanders Sides Super Hero AU}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora