Chapter 19

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The song above is kind of just a representation of how Remy feels right now. I kind of wanted to start doing that for specific scenes or characters so I hope you guys like that.

TW: Crying, Acknowledging Emotions (Remy breaks down), Mentions of Break Up's, Mentions of Levi's (Virgil and Remy's departed friend) Mentions of being kicked out, Speaks about Death, Implied Suicide

Four Hundred and Thirty-One Days After Escape | Wednesday | October 29th

Remy sat in Virgil's bedroom, his eyes looking out the window. He was dressed in a pair of sweats and a T-shirt that one of the others had let him borrow. He had not dressed for the day yet. It was still early though, nearly ten. His dark brown hair, normally combed to look perfect, was tangled and messy with stray strands standing on ends. His tan skin, one of the biggest signs of his Latino heritage, looks different on him now than it had just two days before. A frown tugged on his face, normally so confident and cocky, and the bags under his eyes had begun to grow, hidden behind the dark Disney shades. 

It was clear to anybody who knew the man, and maybe even those who didn't, that he was in a state of sadness. This was not an emotion Remy was very used to. He was a generally happy individual. At twenty-two, he was proud of what he had accomplished and where he was in life. He had graduated from high school with B's and A's in every class. He had been admitted into his first-choice college and was only a year away from graduating. Remy was the third person in his family to go to college, the first being Remus and the second Remus's younger sister, so it was a big deal to his family and especially to him. 

Two days ago a year-long healthy romantic relationship could have been added to the list.

Now Emile was among those who had tried to kidnap him, the relationship could hardly be called healthy or romantic now. He wasn't even sure what they were anymore. He doubted he should be confused about this but he was. He no longer loved Emile, it was a statement that had hurt to accept. But he wasn't sure if they were together or broken up or what. And he wasn't sure what he wanted the answer to be.

A knock at the door made him jump and wince at his still sore muscles. He turned to find Virgil standing at the door, "Hey," he says as he stands there.

"Hi," Remy replies before looking back out the window.

"I did that too," Virgil says, Remy's eyes narrow in confusion but he says nothing, "When I first met Patton, Logan, and Ro... I was scared of them and I'd try and hide in the guest bedroom they let me stay in as much as possible. I'd just stare out the window and listen to music."

Remy shrugs, "We were never too different from each other," it was true. Remy and Virgil had plenty in common, it's the reason they had been so close. But the things they didn't have in common, had been big enough to drive them apart

Virgil nods in agreement, though it goes unseen, "I made you a coffee," He says as he walks in, holding a mug out to him, "It's not Starbucks, but I figured it's better than nothing. Can't have you suffering from withdrawal."

Remy hummed as he took the offered mug from him, "Don't you have school or work or something?" he asked as he looked into the dark cup, "No offense, sorry. You're helping me, I shouldn't-"

"Calm down Rem," Virgil says cooly as he takes a seat next to him on the bed, a mug of his own in his hands, "Classes were canceled, and I called in sick from work... I wanted to make sure you were okay,"

"You didn't have to do that babes,"

"I know, but I hate my job anyway," Virgil replies, trying to offer a smile, "Well?"

"Well, what?" Remy replies, knowing exactly what he meant. The situation was terribly familiar. Them sitting in Virgil's room next to each other on the bed, one of them wanting the conversation to end while the other did their best to help the other.

We Want To Be Normal SEQUEL{Sanders Sides Super Hero AU}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang