Chapter 7

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TW: Homophobia, Mentions of Child Abuse, F-bombs, Mentions of Deportation 

Four Hundred and Two Days After Escape |  Wednesday | September 30th

Every week Virgil dedicated a few hours of his time to a local foster home. Well, most weeks. He had missed the last two. He had been a bit busy. His professor at the college had told him it would be a good place to gain some experience and, he added when Virgil came to him after class one day, they were even throwing in a few extra credit points. Only three other students in Virgil's class had taken the opportunity, and most of them didn't do near as much as Virgil did. 

His last foster house, the one he lived in before meeting Remus and Deceit, was actually less than a mile away from here. He didn't mind helping out either, if he did he wouldn't be doing it, after all, it was voluntary. He liked being able to give back and learn something about not only the future job he wanted but the kids that lived here too.

And now as he stood in front of the large house waiting for someone to get the door. "Virgil!" The owner of the foster home cried excitedly as she saw him.

"Hi Abby," Virgil said with a small wave.

"We've missed you these last few weeks you know,"

"Yeah, sorry, life has been a little hectic,"

"Well, we're always happy to have you. The kids here love you. Why don't you come in? Have you eaten? You can have a snack and then maybe we might find something for you to do" Virgil laughed slightly as he followed Abby into the house, closing the door behind him as he did. 


It was about two hours later and Virgil was cleaning the kitchen as he was asked by Abby when the front door opened and slammed shut again. A kid with dark skin, maybe about fourteen years old, walked right past him and into the living room, Abby following close behind and giving a lecture about respecting his teachers as he sat down on the couch and ignored her. Virgil tried his best to give them their privacy and finish his task but it wasn't easy. Abby walked into the kitchen a few minutes later, "I can't believe these children sometimes, how hard is it to respect your teachers" she said as she took a drink of water.

"Go easy on him Abby." Virgil said, "When I was a kid I'd get sent home every other weak. My middle school teachers probably hated me,"

Abby nodded, "That's Giovanni, we call him Gio," She said, gesturing to the boy with her glass, "CPS brought him here two weeks ago, he's having trouble adjusting"

Virgil shrugged, "Lot's of kids do, it's hard being moved around so much"

"Oh I can't imagine," Abby looked over at him, "Maybe you can talk to him,"

"What? No, I'm not good with people"

"Oh he's just a kid Virgil, he won't hurt ya" Abby said, gently nudging him into the living room.

"Kids are people Abby" Virgil responded

"Oh come on, it'll be good practice"

Virgil sighed in defeat and nodded. He wasn't used to interacting with the kids yet. Not like this anyway, normally he'd just help with homework or something. But he made his way over there anyway, looking back at Abby who was giving him an encouraging smile and two thumbs up. He sighed, "Hey, can I sit here?" Virgil asked the kid, he was reading from a book and barely look up at him, they shrugged in response and Virgil awkwardly sat down.

"You new here too?" Gio asked

"What? No, I've already gone through this bullshit once. Not planning on doing it again" Virgil told him.

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