Chapter 15

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TW: Abandonment, Implied Abuse, Cancer, Chemo-Therapy,  Patton's past, Mentions of Homophobia, mentions of Transphobia

Four Hundred and Twenty-Four Days After Escape | Wednesday | October 22nd

"You need to stop calling me"

"I just wanted a relationship with my son," the man on the other side said.

"I'm not your son. I am simply your offspring. If you want a relationship you should have sought one while I was still a child."

"Why do you answer the phone then?"

"I always answer the phone. It could be an emergency," Logan said as though this was common knowledge that the man really should have been aware of.

"I call you often Logan," the man told him, Logan wondered why, he already knew this man called him often. "But you haven't blocked my number,"

"I should not need to block my number from people. It should be simple. I ask you to stop contacting me and then you do so." Logan was beginning to get angry, this needed to stop.

"Why do you answer?"

"I always answer."

"If you haven't already added me as a contact then you must know by now who this number belongs to"

"Of course I do," Logan replied, "It's a ten-digit number with an owner who calls me four to eight times a week and sends several texts a day."

"But you answer,"

"Yes. Is there something in the words 'I always answer' that you are not understanding?"

"What do you want from me, Logan?" The man asked, he almost sounded desperate, "You answer the phone, you obviously expect something from me. What is it?"

There was no response for a moment. The man was sure that Logan was ignoring him again, he's done that a few times. He never did just hang-up on him though, he just wouldn't respond and he'd wait him out. Eventually, the man would say his goodbyes and hang-up himself. "I expect an apology. I doubt I'll get one. An explanation would be nice as well, but an apology is wanted most. Now, when you call me tomorrow make sure you do so between the hours of ten to three or five to eight. I have classes in the morning and tutoring in the afternoon, both those outweigh you in importance. Have a nice night, no I am not starting to like you I simply want this call to end." Logan pulled the phone away from his ear and pressed the red icon that would end the call. 

Four Hundred and Twenty-Five Days After Escape | Thursday | October 23rd

"Is your ankle okay?" Quinn asked as he and Roman put paint cans and brushes away. Norah and Virgil had asked them to help with clean up since some of the crew had left without picking the stuff up. "You seemed to be having trouble on the spin,"

Roman shrugged, "Yeah it's fine now," He replied as he put the last of his paint cans away and leaned back against the wall, waiting for Quinn to finish. "You did good today though, you finally got that part in Be Our Guest right, you were having trouble with it last week"

"I think I could do better," Quinn said.

"I don't know. I couldn't hit those notes." Roman told him.

"We have different ranges Roman," Roman just gave him a smile in response, hoping it might help in some way though he doubted it. Quinn sighed as he picked up a paint can and searched for a spot on the shelf but found it out of the room. "Dang it, Roman can you help me? I can't reach the next paint shelf"

Roman nodded and took the paint can from Quinn before placing them on the next shelf, "Alright, that's it. Think Norah and Virgil have more stuff for us to do?"

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