Chapter 47

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TW: Fire, Injuries, Falling From Unknown/Strange Heights, Cursing, Implied Neglectful/Absent Parents, Honestly this chapter is weird because nobody knows what the hell they're doing. Not even me.

Day Nineteen | Tuesday | December 13th

"You want to do what to us?" Roman asked, his arms crossed in front of him as he watched the teenager in front of him, unamused.

Adrian shrugged, "You guys don't listen. I need you to listen."

"I listen," Logan said with a raised hand, "I find some of your comments quite helpful, though your method of teaching does... elude me."

Adrian ignored him, "You attack and don't think," he said, pointing to Roman, "You overthink and miss your opportunity, throwing you into an infinite loop of thinking, missing, and thinking again," addressing Logan this time. "And you! I've been trying to get you to realize how important you are since before you even got here. You need to get more involved Patton because if you don't, one day, someone is gonna get hurt and you won't be able to heal it. Stop it before it happens, these two can't do everything for you. Get involved or fail"

And... wow... that was kind of harsh.

Roman was skeptical, he didn't trust this kid or his opinions or his lessons, or anything else about him, "And how, exactly, is this going to get us to listen?" 

Adrain was about to answer, but before he could, Emile entered the room and gave an enthusiastic cartoon reference greeting, Adrain rolled his eyes, "Hold that thought," he told them before approaching the therapist and engaging in a quick conversation with him. The three heroes glanced between each other with confusion, now this was interesting, wasn't it? Eventually, Adrain and Emile walked over to them again, "Alright, you guys have met Emile already. He's gonna help us out today."

"No offense to Dr. Picani," Logan said hesitantly, "But how is he gonna do that?"

"I'm going to mix up your powers," Emile said with a smile, "Put it in a blender and give it a whirl."

None of them knew what that meant, but is sounded scary, and they looked around with confusion, "What does that entail?" Logan asked, hesitantly.

"Exactly what he said, Emile's gonna transfer one person's power to another." Adrain explained as he circled around them, "Hopefully if you're not completely stupid, it'll help you understand and appreciate your powers and each other's powers. And maybe that will mean you can convince each other to do what you need to do, what I tell you to do, to make your team better."

"How's he gonna do that?" Patton questioned.

"Oh, right. You don't know yet. Well," Emile began as he pulled a pocket notebook and pencil from the inside of his jacket, "I have powers too!" The doctor did a quick doodle of a stick man, then put his fingers to the paper and pulled it as if peeling off a sticker. The stickman squirmed as it came completely off the paper and Emile smiled as he dropped it to the ground, it landed on it's feet and slouched over itself like a deactivated robot. Emile cleared his throat and waved his hand, and just like that the stickman on the ground stood up straight and waved to those in front of him. Picani switched hands, and so did the stickman. Any movement Emile made, the stickman mirrored. Eventually, once he thought they had enough, he stopped, "I can control them in other ways too. Like, if I speak the commands aloud, or I can write them down. Thinking them works too, it's much harder though."

Adrian nodded as if approving of Emile's demonstration, "Emile's second power, is power absorption. He can take other people's powers and either keep them for himself or transfer them to others."

"The longer I touch a person, the easier it is to hold onto their powers for longer. I can do it without touching them too, but it won't work as long and it's much harder."

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