Chapter 42

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TW: Arguing, Yelling, Remile Fans are going to kill me, Messing with someone's emotions, Anxiety, Anxiety attacks, (accidentally) Taking away someones comfort object(?), Blood, Poor Grounding Techniques (Not Cutting, Virgil's scratching at himself again)Explicit language

Day Ten | Sunday | December 4th

Emile hummed happily as he walked towards Remy's cell, only to suddenly freeze at the entrance. He was immediately able to tell that today was going to be one of those days where Remy's mental health had gotten the better of him. It didn't happen often, Remy's mental health was not as severe as it was for others in his family, but it did happen. There had been a couple of times while they were dating that dates had to be canceled so Remy could take care of himself and his mentality. Or ones where Emile had sensed it and canceled it himself.

Emile had noticed it had been happening a little more often or getting more severe, lately. He understood why it was happening of course, Remy was anxious, and scared, probably other things too. He didn't have access to the things he used to have that he'd use to get rid of those emotions; like cooking, or positive outings, or other things he enjoyed.

"Hey Remy," Emile said as he came in slowly and pulled Remy's coffee out of the cardboard holder it was in, "I brought you coffee again, sorry it's not Starbucks this time. I was running late this morning."

Remy himself was laying in the bed, arms wrapped around his midsection. He looked over at Emile, his lack of sunglasses clearly told him that he really didn't care what Emile gave him, he wasn't in the mood. Emile placed the coffee down on the ground beside him before moving across the room and taking a seat on the ground. There was silence between them, Emile slowly sipping at his hot chocolate before he spoke, "Wanna talk about it?"

Remy simply huffed and rolled his eyes, saying nothing to him. "I-I technically can't offer any actual therapy. I'm not allowed because we used to date, that's why you didn't get assigned to me.  But, I can listen. I have no problem listening, I understand you know."

Remy scoffed as he turned away from Emile and towards the wall, "You could never understand Emile."

Emile shrugged, "Well, I don't know. I-I think I could. We're not too different."

"Yes. We are." Remy said, "That became very obvious to me when you lied to me and threw me to the wolves."

Emile didn't say anything for a few moments, "Are we having this conversation now?  I already told you, Remy, I didn't want to do that. And I promise you, what we had was real. My superiors found out I was dating you and who you were, and they made me."

"They didn't make you," Remy growled.

"I would've lost my job Rem. They would have thought I was dangerous. They could've gone after my family."

"You don't know what it's like to be thought of as dangerous Emile."

"I obviously do Rem. You don't believe me, that's okay, you don't have to. But, if you want to talk about it, I under-"

"Emile! You don't get it. You don't have powers. You don't know what it's like for people like us," Remy yelled sitting up in his bed and turning to face him, "You have to hide, and if you don't, you're either thought of as a hero or you're thought of as a villain, there is no in-between. And when a hero makes a single mistake, it's impossible to come back from it. Not to mention all the mental shit you have to go through. We already know our powers are dangerous, we do what we can to control it, we don't need your 'help', we don't need this."

Emile sighed as he stood up, "You're clearly not in the right headspace for this. I'll come back later, when you've calmed down. I suggest you run through a couple-"

We Want To Be Normal SEQUEL{Sanders Sides Super Hero AU}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora