Chapter 32

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TW: Kidnapping, Language Warning, Car Accidents, Being Restrained, Mentions of Injuries, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Death, Patton Entering Protective Dad Mode, Panic Attack, Mentions of Dissociation.

Special thanks to Potterjacksonhead and strazydaze for beta reading this chapter for me and giving me advice on how to make it better.  

But, without further ado, let the chaos commence!!!!

Four Hundred and Fifty-Seven Days After Escape | Friday | November 24th

Virgil and Patton were the only ones that had class today, Virgil had art, and Patton was taking child psych year three. Both of them had just finished and were separately making their way to the parking lot where Logan and Roman were planning on meeting them. Virgil walked alone and slowly, looking down at his phone with a slim smile as he and Roman texted each other back and forth.

It was really mostly just flirting right now, Logan and Roman were taking them on a date. A surprise date. Virgil hated surprises, Roman was well aware of this. He was trying to use this to his advantage and cause Virgil to get flustered and fumble. But Virgil had always been more confident online and on the phone rather than in person so this wasn't working very well.

It was his turn to respond and he was about to but was stopped, "Virgil!" A voice yelled from behind him, Virgil turned towards it. A man about his age was running towards him and then stopping in front of him. The man was a little shorter than him, hair dyed pink and matching the vest he wore. "You're Virgil Griffin, right?"

"Do I know you?" Virgil asked as he put his phone in his back pocket and shouldered his bag. The man just stared at him for a moment, mouth slightly open in astonishment, "Uh, are you alright?"

The man nodded slowly, still looking at Virgil with awe, "You're so tall."

Virgil blinked back in surprise, Virgil wasn't tall. He was less than an inch above average height. And even if he looked at it from the man's perspective, there wasn't a super big difference in height. At most, it was three inches, but Virgil suspected it to be closer to two. "Oh... thanks? Uhm, are we in class together or something?"

The man shook his head out as if to refocus himself, "Oh, err, yes. Psych, we've both taken psych. Taking, psych I mean. Taking."

"Okay. How can I help you?" Something wasn't right about this, Virgil wasn't liking the nervous feeling that was crawling up his spine. This man seemed familiar, which would make sense if what he was saying was true and they really were in class together but... that didn't seem quite right. None of this seemed quite right...

"Calm down," the man said gently, he smiled slightly, "Everythings okay, sorry if I'm scaring you. There's no need for that." Virgil nodded slowly and allowed some of the worry to slip away, still in fight or flight mode though. "I had a question, about class..." The man spoke slowly, as if unsure, and Virgil nodded at him to continue, "Uhm... so you know how we learned about the Toxoplasma Gondi parasite and how it can cause schizophrenia in children and adults?"

"Err, no..." Virgil replied, he had absolutely no idea what this man was talking about, "sorry, is that all?"

The man shook his head, "No. I-I need you to help me. Here, maybe if I show you my notes you'll remember? We can go in this classroom!" The man took Virgil's hand and tried to pull him into a nearby classroom only for Virgil to yank it away, the man turned back to him. "It's okay. You can trust me."

Virgil shook his head, something was wrong, what was going on? That nervous feeling was coming back, his fight or flight reflexes were kicking in and right now he was heavily leaning toward flight. "No, I should go. My roommates are waiting for me. Sorry, I'll see you in class" Virgil backed away from the man and moved to leave only for something to suddenly jump out of the classroom, shoot past the man, and grab Virgil, dragging him into the room. Virgil yelled in surprise and tried to fight whatever it was the had grabbed him but the classroom was dark and hard to see in and whatever it was that had grabbed him had him trapped. Vigil's arms were pinned to his sides and whatever it was that held him was keeping his head still, preventing him from looking down at whatever it was that held him.

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