"But hey, we haven't fought as much anymore!" You said trying to bring out the positivity from the situation. "I'm just glad we're together right now spending our six moth anni-." You cut off by Bakugou. "Why do you try to make the situation look fine. I fucked up and made you cry and I couldn't even help you. Why do you always do that!?" Bakugou said pissed off as he hated the fact that you were trying to dig out the good and not focusing on his mistakes.

"I fucking hate it. I know you mean well but you can't always try to excuse the problem. I promise I'll do my best to be a better boyfriend. But please let me know when anything happens. I want to be there for you, I can't just stand back and not know what the hell is going on. I'm your fucking boyfriend! I should be able to handle and help you with your problems. Slap the fuck out of me when I'm not in check." Bakugou said as he gripped the wheel.

"I know I'm a fuck up and a horrible boyfriend. Who the fuck gets angry at their significant other for hearing voices! I know a sorry won't fix how you feel or change shit. You mean the fucking world to me and yet I treat you like shit? Slap me." Bakugou said as he gritted his teeth together. "I'm not going to slap you Bakugou." You said as you then saw a single tear roll down his cheek. "Please slap me, I deserve it for being a Dumbass." Bakugou said while you felt your heartache.

You leaned in as Bakugou was intensely looked at the road as he prepared himself for a slap in the face. You kissed his cheek softly as you felt on your lips a teardrop. You pulled away as Bakugou began to cry softly as he pulled over the road and parked the truck. Bakugou covered his face as he began to break down in front of you but as he was crying you could hear him gasping for air. He's been holding this in for a while now and couldn't help but cry it out.

You unbuckled your belt and immediately made Bakugou's seat go back so you could fit in between him and the wheel. You grabbed the gummy worms and placed them on your seat. You sat on his lap and grabbed his hands and pulled it away from his face. He didn't look at you as he just avoided eye contact completely. There was snot coming out of his nose as his face was a slight red. You brought him to your chest as Bakugou just effortlessly sank into you. 

You felt his tears go through your shirt as he then hugged you tightly. You began to hush him down while he was straight-up bawling, you placed your head on top of his spiky hair that poked you but you didn't care as he needed you. Bakugou wasn't okay, you rubbed his back trying to comfort him. You didn't say a word since you wanted him to calm down so he could be able to understand you when you did say something. 

You kissed his head softly "Take a deep breath in and out, okay cutie?" You whispered in his ear as you could feel Bakugou nod his head. Bakugou did as you said while you were able to feel his body breathe in and out. It was comforting to you as he then slowly looked up at you. Bakugou met eyes with you as you just smiled at him.  "You're not a horrible boyfriend, don't say stupid shit. You're amazing." You said as you began to wipe away his tears from his face with your shirt.

"B-But I-." Bakugou was cut off as you pecked his lips. "What did I say? The majority of our fights are because of the voices in my head. Don't blame yourself. Because if you do, I will beat your fucking ass." You said in a serious manner as Bakugou just blankly looked at you. "Also when you're in this vulnerable state I can't help but admire you. It's so rare to see you like this but it also breaks my heart." You said as Bakugou just rolled his eyes at your comment.

"Awe. Come on, it's true." You said as you kissed Bakugou's forehead. "You. Are. So. Cute." You said pausing while you kissed all over his face. "I am not cute." Bakugou said glaring at you. "Shut the fuck up, let me shower you with Love." You said smiling sweetly to him. Bakugou couldn't help but blush at the way you worded the sentence. You grabbed his big ass head and kissed the top of his head. "MUUUAHH!" You said making Bakugou chuckle a little.

"You're an actual Dumbass you know.?" Bakugou said as you were now kissing all over his face. "Yeah, but I'm your Dumbass right.?" You asked while Bakugou's face softened. "Yeah...my Dumbass." Bakugou said as his eyes admired your face. "You make me happy." You said to Bakugou while he just slowly let go of you and placed his hands on the side of your face. He pulled your face down as your eyes widened. Bakugou leaned in as he pecked your lips softly.

You smiled at how sweetly both your lips bet so innocently. You both leaned in for a kiss as you closed your eyes and enjoyed the kiss you two were sharing. This time when you both kissed it wasn't intense or spicy. It was sweet and innocent, it made your heart flutter as you haven't felt anything so pure that it could put an angel to shame. Bakugou held your face gently as he kissed you sweetly. 

During the kiss Bakugou could feel fireworks explode inside him, he was filled with joy. He craved moments like these as they wouldn't happen so often. Bakugou then broke the kiss as he began to admire your facial features while you felt yourself get shy. Bakugou then puckered up and pulled you in as he then kissed your nose gently and pulled away. It was so sweet that you could taste it in your mouth like cotton candy. 

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