She walks up to the hat and sits.



Kat likes to think she's like her older cousin, just a hurricane on legs, but in reality she's like her other older cousin, predictable, safe, and not constantly in danger of dying in a stupid way.

The first girl, who looks relatively scary, is not having a good time, and her hurricane cousin is chatting her up, interest clear in her eyes.

Her nice cousin has already made friends, because it's Hufflepuff and of course she has.

The girl who had just gone, after making some dude curl up in a ball on the floor, is sent to Gryffindor and she doesn't look surprised at all. Neither do the rest of the crowd.

When she walks up, it's a mix of shy and let's get this over with.

The hat has to think for a moment, something in her personality not really matching with the rest. It happened to her safe cousin as well.

It was their temper, they all had it, it's just Anne's matched with her house. It was terrifying to face their tempers, Jane most of all.

After a moment or two of thought the hat reached its decision.



Cathy was a reader.

She read, she wrote, she never slept, she studied, she aced her exams, she knew where she was going.

And if she didn't she would probably throw a coffee induced fit.

Her older cousin (who never let her forget she was older, by two months, get over it) is immediately screwed over by the hat and Cathy almost laughs at her outraged expression. Then a girl is sorted to the same house and instantly sits by her and chats. Or tries to, she's the only one talking and judging by her cousin's expression she's about to snap that girl in half like a twig.

She's mildly curious when a girl comes later and causes a guy to have a mental breakdown on the floor when he tries to be tough with her.

Then the prettiest girl she's ever seen walks up to the hat, and Cathy almost drops her book staring at her. She's sent to Hufflepuff and Cathy briefly wishes she gets sent there as well.


No luck


There is a girl sitting by her that doesn't seem to understand what silence means.

She's green eyed, raven haired, and admittedly stunning.

But she's also possibly the most annoying human she's ever met.

Catherine wonders briefly if the girl is flirting with her, but then immediately berates herself for losing focus on the fact that she wouldn't shut up.

She's very aware of the crowd's stares because she had been so royally screwed over.

It doesn't escape her that her cousin is trying not to laugh her ass off.

She's pretending to not realize that the girl sitting next to her is definitely flirting with her, and that she really wants her to keep going because wow she really is beautiful.

Catherine is going to be moody for a long, long time.


Anne is very aware that the girl is losing her patience with her.

Six: The Musical - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now