46) Making Up

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hey guys. here's what's happening;
- it's almost 2 am
- i have ACTs tomorrow
- i'm mostly dead
- hey this book is closer to being finished than i thought
- maybe i could speedrun tonight
- also yes i'm now religiously devoted to dream smp lore, sue me
- also there are three chapters of this book that have apparently been sitting in my drafts since i left, so i might as well post those

enjoy lovelies <3

Y/n leaves Soviet's house early. She didn't want him to have to get involved with her marital problems anyway.

Russia still isn't home when she arrives back, he would be at work for a few more hours. So Y/n goes upstairs to get her sketchbook. She rummages around various places in the bedroom before finding both it and her pencils.

"Gotcha," A smile makes it's way onto her face as she carries the items back downstairs.

Maybe I could draw Russia something...it might put him in a better mood...

To be truthful, Y/n hadn't really tried to make up with him either. So they were both sort of at a stalemate. She feels guilty for being mad at him because of that. A mental note to talk to him once he gets home is made in the back of her mind.

Lost in thought, Y/n trips at the bottom of the stairs. The ankle that she had sprained as a teenager suddenly becomes extremely painful, worse than the first sprain.

She helpless slams into the hard floor.

Russia gets home at the same time as he always does. He leaves his coat and boots at the front door, also as he always does, but something feels off this time.

"Y/n?" He calls.

"In here..." A tired, but grumpy, voice replies from the kitchen.

Russia runs in and finds her sitting on the tile, holding an ice pack to her head.

"Y/n!" He kneels down next to her and takes her hand that's holding the cold object. "Y/n what happened?"

"I fell..." She grumbles, not allowing him to move her hand away from her head.

"Y/n let me see," Russia tells her firmly

"No...leave me alone..." Y/n says while shrugging him off. "Don't touch me,"

"Цветок please...let me help you,"

"Now you suddenly want to talk to me...?" She asks bitterly. Her mental note from earlier was probably burned at the stake the moment he walked into the room.

"Because I'm worried about you!"

"You've been ignoring me for almost a week!"

Russia hesitates a little. "Y/n...please..."

She glares at him angrily before finally moving the ice pack away from her head.


He examines the small cut on her forehead for several seconds. Russia is careful to not touch it directly.

"You might need a doctor..."

"I'm not going back there again," Y/n says tartly.

"Y/n you hit your head and your bleeding," He retorts in the same salty tone. "You need a-"

"I'm not going back!" She snaps harshly.

Russia is the one with the angry glare this time.

"Fine...have it your way then," He growls. "But at least don't sit on the floor,"

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now