13) Torn

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except u guys 

Y/n is on the porch with Russia. Their sitting at either end of the long swinging chair that hung from the ceiling. She's at one end with her sketch book, and he's sitting at the other end with a normal book. 

It's not too late, but clouds are covering the evening sun from a recent rainstorm. Y/n liked the rain and the clouds though. 

The girl glances up at him every once and a while, which is something that he quickly notices. 

"What?" Russia mutters. 

"Nothing," Y/n quickly looks down again in embarrassment.

"Are you drawing me?" He leans over a bit to see her page. 

"No-" She quickly tips her sketchbook away from his like of sight. "I-I'm not!" 

But he had already seen it. 

"Is my hair down?" 

Yes, Y/n had been drawing him with his hair down.



She giggles and springs up from her seat, then runs out into the yard and flashes the drawing at him again. 




He starts chasing her around the yard. Y/n only laughs more as she dodges him every time he tries to grab her or her drawing. 

Russia might be fast, but he was also big. So she's able to evade him for a while fairly easily. 

But, he finally sticks his foot out and trips her before she can get away. 

Y/n winces at the discomfort in her ankle flares up to pain as she tumbles to the ground. Russia grabs the sketchbook and lets out a triumphant laugh when he does. 

"Got it!" He boasts while carefully tearing the picture out. 

She pushes herself up with her arms and glares at him. Y/n quickly stands, despite the throbbing pain down by her foot. 

"Give it back!" Y/n lunges to grab the paper from him, but Russia holds it out of her reach. 

Dumb tall person...

"No," He says. "You're not drawing me with my hair down," 

"But you look fine with your hair down-!" She jumps for it again, but the tall country once again moves it away from her. 




Y/n narrows her eyes before suddenly jumping and grabbing an edge of the paper. Russia obviously wasn't expecting it, so his grip on it doesn't loosen at all. 

There's a loud tear as Y/n lands back on her feet. 

She stares down at the drawing, which is only half of the original. There's an ugly tear down the center of the page, one that most definitely couldn't be fixed. 

But it was fine. It was an accident...right?

"Ha, now you really can't draw me now," Russia laughs. 

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now