24) Talk to me

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Russia wraps his arms around her waist from behind.

"Please?" He mutters. "You can't stay in bed forever," 

"I can and I will..." Y/n grumbles. 

It's been a few weeks since the woman was released from the hospital. Her burns are gradually healing, but still painful nonetheless. Russia can tell, however, that they're not the only issue. But right now, his only task is getting her out of bed. 

The tall country moves closer to her so that his chest is pressing against her back. 

"Please, Цветок?" (*flower/tsvetok)

Y/n just huffs in response. 

Russia sighs before getting up and out of bed, leaving her by herself. He goes downstairs to the kitchen, going straight for a first-aid kit on the counter. It's contents are a special type of gauze among other things needed to change the bandages on Y/n's arm. 

He makes his way back up to their bedroom, where his wife still hasn't moved at all. 



Russia sits back next to her in bed, opening the kit. "I need to change your bandages," 

Usually that's what got her to roll over. But today, she doesn't budge. 

"Y/n," He says more firmly. "I need to change your bandages," 

"Later..." Y/n mutters while curling up into a tighter ball. 

Russia sets the kit aside and lays back next to her.  

"What's bothering you?" He asks softly. 

"Nothing...I'm just tired..." She replies in a quiet voice. 

"That's not it," Russia retorts, wrapping his arms back around her waist. But when his hand grazes over the bare skin of her stomach, she flinches just a little. Something that he's noticed her doing often since the hospital. "There's something else, I know it," 

Still no reply. 

He crawls over to her other side so that they're staring at each other. 

"Hi," Russia smiles softly at her. 

"Hi..." Y/n mumbles.

"What's wrong, Цветок?" He asks again. 


"You don't really like it when I touch you anymore," Russia points out. "Is it because of-?"

He cuts himself off once he realizes that she's trembling a bit. The girl's body shifts closer to him, and in turn, Russia wraps his arms around her. 

"Hey...sorry I..." He trails off, suddenly losing the rest of his words. The tall country simply holds her close to him as she starts crying quietly. 

"T-The....t-the scars..." She chokes out. 

Russia feels his heart break a little. He kisses the top of her head gently as she cries into his t-shirt, seeming as if all of her bottled up emotions were surfacing at once. 

Y/n manages to calm down after several minutes. 


"You have nothing to be sorry for," He replies, running his fingers through her hair in comfort. "You're self conscious because of the burns," 

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now