18) Westerns

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this is a wholesome chapter

wholesomeness only

except for a few paragraphs

but otherwise, wholesomeness

Y/n looks up from her paperwork as she hears the front door open and close. A smile makes it way onto her face. She gets up from her desk and makes her way downstairs. 

The girl walks around the corner and is immediately met with a tall country staring down at her. However, his stoic expression instantly melts as they lock eyes. 

Russia lips tug to a soft smile as he wraps his arms around her. 

"Welcome back Ruski," Y/n giggles. 

He hums and lays his head down on her shoulder. 

"Long day?" She asks. 

"Mhm..." Russia mutters. "I missed you..."

"You saw me this morning," 

He pulls out of the hug, only to cup her rosy cheeks in his hands. "But I still missed you," 

Y/n takes one of his hands and kisses the palm of it. "I know, ya big baby," She giggles again. "I'm here now though," 

Russia smiles a bit wider before kissing her on the forehead. 

"They want me on the Aurora next week..." The tall country mumbles as he picks at the food on his plate. 

"You sound upset about that," Y/n replies, setting her fork down. "You've never had an issue with being there before," 

"It's just that...things are a bit crazier right now than you know," Russia says. 

"How so?"

He looks a bit conflicted at those two words. 

"Sorry," She corrects herself. "Classified stuff?"

"Yeah... but..." Russia sighs a bit. "We think there's a new terrorist cell forming...but no one really knows anything about it, all we have to work off of are rumors and a lot of circumstantial evidence. That's why a few other superpowers and I are meeting up..."

Y/n nods. She understood his government work, mostly because she worked at the capital as well. She is a mediator for important meetings. Even before she worked there, Y/n was very good at solving disputes and finding compromises.

But now, she absolutely killed at it. 

"Don't cha' worry, Ruski," She says with a soft smile. "All of you besides America are smart enough to figure this out," 

Russia relaxes a bit at her reassuring words, and chuckles at the mention of America. 

"You were truly raised by a communist," He says, wiping fake tears away from his eyes. 

Y/n grins, happy that she was able to change his mood for the better. 

But in all seriousness, her father constantly hung heavy in her mind. Lately, it had become worse than normal. Even doing simple things reminded her of him, things that hadn't triggered a reaction such as it before. 

The rest of their dinner is filled with a bit of a lighter mood. Russia talks about the not-classified parts of his day, while Y/n talks about hers. She sometimes left work early if there was nothing else for her to do. 

Russia does the dishes while Y/n looks for a movie to watch. She flips through a bunch of old DVDs until she stumbles upon one that's...strange...especially for being in their selection specifically.

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now