20) New threats

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I'm about to screw everyone over >:3

you're welcome


"I take it that your meetings aren't going so well," Y/n giggles at the sound of Russia's voice on the other end of the phone line. 

"Нет...I just miss you..." He responds.

"You always miss me," She retorts. 

"I know, but it's because I really do," Russia sighs a little. "And also because they told me last minute that I had to come back here..."

"Is Kaz with you?" 

"Hi Y/n!" Kazakhstan's voice replies. 

"Hi Kazzy," 

Y/n hears Russia scolding him a bit before a door closes in the background. 

"He's gone," Russia finally says. 

"Awww, is Ruski jealous?" She teases. 

"Да, I am," (*yes/da) He states bluntly. "I want to talk to my wife one-on-one," 

"That's sweet, Russia, but I'm pretty sure that you have meetings," 

"I have a break right now...but I don't wanna go backkkkk..." He whines. 

"It's only a few days, you'll be home soon," She reasons. "Are you worried?" 

"I always am," Russia says. "I'm sorry I had to leave you like this..." 

"It's okay, Ruski, I told you that as long as you come home safe that it's okay," Y/n replies with a soft smile on her face. 


"No, no excuses," She cuts him off abruptly. "Just come home and give me a kiss, okay?" 

"Okay..." Russia sighs. "One more thing, I left some important files on my desk. Can you get them and keep them with you until I'm back? I don't want the wrong person getting ahold of them," 

"Sure thing, Bear," Y/n replies. "I love you," 

"Stop calling me that, and I love you too," He tells her, but she knows that he's smiling despite the annoyance he's put into his tone. 

"I'll see you soon," She giggles. 

"До свидания, цветок," (*goodbye, Flower/do svidaniya tsvetok) Russia responds before hanging up. 

Y/n lets out a soft sigh, holding the phone to her ear a bit longer as if hoping to hear his voice again. When it doesn't come, she puts her phone in her back pocket and leaves her office. 

There are several people passing by on her way. Today was an important day of meetings, a few that she was involved in, but not until later. Even Soviet was there to keep the chaos under control in his son's absence. But Y/n had not yet had time to visit with him. 

She makes her way down the bustling hallways while carefully maneuvering around the busy people trying to get by. Despite being polite to them, they all knew that she was a spitfire in the meeting room. No one dared to mess with her knowing that she could tear them apart in an instant. 

Y/n finally makes it out of the large crowd and into an emptier hallway. She lets out a sigh of relief at the comfortable silence.

After less than a minute of walking, she makes it to Russia's office and pushes the heavy doors open. His office may seem intimidating to some, with it's high ceilings and dark bookcases, but Y/n finds it strangely comforting. Sometimes she would just go and sit in his office while he was away. 

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now