17) Meanwhile

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This chapter sorta marks a halfway point for the book. Everything after this is happens several years after the previous chapters of this book

America stares at his phone and lets out a small sigh. 

Today was the worst. 


Because, it's Y/n's birthday. 

Only there's no Y/n.

It's been this way for seven years. Every year, he would just hide at home all day. Sometimes his family would visit, but everyone was still pretty upset with him about her leaving in the first place. 

He felt horrible. 

But today, UN wasn't giving him time off. So, he puts on a fake smile and sets off for his meetings. 

Thankfully, he only really had one meeting. There was a new vessel called the Aurora, which is placed in the Atlantic Ocean and serves as a meeting place for countries. There's another in the Pacific as well called the Echo. 

All America has to do it survive his meetings, then he can take a plane home to sulk for the rest of the night. 

He's met with his brother as he walks in, but the freedom country keeps his happy demeanor up since there are other people around. 

"Ame? What are you doing here?" Canada asks in confusion. 

"Meetings are meetings?" America shrugs. "Why wouldn't I be here?" 

"But it's-"

"I know what day it is, Canada," 

His brother just nods. "Okay just...don't blow up at anyone..." 

"Why would I do that?" He scoffs a bit playfully, despite feeling suddenly angry at him. "There's nothing different about today, Nada," 

America brushes past him and continues down the Aurora hallways. He soon makes it to the first meeting room...which would be his worst meeting. 

The freedom country opens the door, and immediately lets out a sigh of relief. 

He was the first one there. 

America takes a seat at the end of the long table at the center of the room, then lays his files out across the surface. He takes out a lollipop and pops it in his mouth as he begins looking over his info. 

But, soon enough, the door opens again.

Russia takes a seat at the opposite end of the table without a word. From the beginning, the tall country had hated America, however the freedom country assumes that it's because of his communist father. 

Still, that didn't change the fact that the feelings were mutual. 

"Heya dipsh*t," America snickers. 

Russia just glares at him, still saying nothing. 

Something was different. Despite his cold and silent exterior, the tall country almost seemed...happier?

America studies him a bit. His eyes travel down to the Russian's large hands the held the file he was reading out in front of him. There's something glistening gold on one of his fingers.

"Huh...I never realized you were married," The freedom country remarks. 

Russia glances up at him with piercing yellow eyes. "I am," 

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Because I hate you," He replies. "And you never asked," 

America glares at him. "Geez...bless the soul of whoever married you..." 

Russia opens his mouth, as if to speak, but keeps any snarky retorts inside. 

Needless to say, their meeting almost ended in WW3. So UN sends America home after that before any other close calls can be made. 

The freedom country returns to his large, yet empty house. He could almost hear the little footsteps of his daughter in her younger days running through the halls, giggling as her father chased her around. 

America walks into her room, holding a small box. He sits down on the carpeted floor and opens it before setting the cake out in front of him. A box of matches in his pocket allows him to light a few candles. 

"You're twenty three today..." America mutters as his sits criss-cross on the ground. "I wonder if you're even still alive...I hope you are..."

Tears begin slipping down his face. 

"Happy birthday, Y/n..."

Meanwhile, a day later just outside of Moscow, Russia returns to his childhood home. He didn't live there anymore, of course. But tonight was a special occasion for visiting.


Russia smiles as Estonia runs over and throws her arms around him. Now thirteen, she was a lot taller than before, though still much shorter than him. 

"Hi Esti," He chuckles. "I'm not too late, am I?"

"Nope!" She grins and takes his hand, pulling him towards the dining room. "Hurry though!" 

Russia walks into the dining room, where the rest of his family is already waiting. 

Along with Y/n. 

She runs over to him and hugs him as well, their hug is much more tender than the one with Estonia, and it makes any of Russia's stress melt away instantly. 

"Hello, dear," He mutters. 

"Hi Ruski," Y/n pulls away and pecks him on the lips. 

"Ewwww," Belarus calls, even though she's just teasing them. "Get a room!" 

Y/n covers Estonia's ears. "BELARUS-!"

Soviet then walks in with a cake. "Okay, enough bickering," He scolds with a grin on his face. "I'm not waiting any longer for cake," 

"Sorry dad," They all say in unison. 

"Wait for us!" Kazakhstan says as he flies into the room with Ukraine behind him.

"No flying in the house!" Soviet barks. 

"Sorry dad..." He parrots. 

They all sit down and enjoy each other's company. 

America blows out the candles himself and sits there on the ground for the rest of the night.

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now