22) Sunshine

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"Raine? Where are you going?" 

"I have to leave," Ukraine calls back. 

"Hold up- what's going on?" Canada grabs her hand to stop her. "Everyone's freaking out," 

"Moscow was just attacked," She tells him, snatching her hand away. "My sister's hurt. I'm leaving to go see her," 

His eyes widen a bit. "What...?" 

As much as Ukraine cared for him, she had other things to worry about. The stoic country turns and resume her fast walking pace down the hall. 

But soon enough, Canada runs back up to her and matches her pace. 

"Raine what happened?" 

"Someone blew up Moscow," Ukraine explains quickly. "My sister-in-law's hurt bad from it. She's in the hospital and..." 

Canada grabs her shoulders, once again stopping her. 

"Raine, call me, okay?" He says firmly. "I'm your friend, if you need to talk-" 

"I know," Ukraine says, smiling just a little. "Thanks Nada, I'll try to call you, okay?" 

Canada nods and lets her run off again. 

The female country scolds herself. She hadn't intended to get so close to him...

...but it was a bit late to scold herself now...

Russia finds himself alone in the hospital room. Soviet had taken Kazakhstan home so that they could both sleep, but the oldest son refused to leave. 

He couldn't leave Y/n.

There are only a few hours left...a few hours until the doctors would come in and tell him that he needed to let her go.

Russia keeps a firm but gentle hold of her unharmed hand the entire time. He wouldn't allow himself to sleep, not yet at least. Not until she woke up. 

"Come on Y/n..." He mutters. "You've gotta open your eyes..."

After still no response, Russia puts his head down on the edge of the bed. 

"What was the song you liked singing..." The tall country says quietly. "Something about sunshine..."

Y/n doesn't want to wake up. She's afraid that if she wakes up, she would still be in the same painful place as before, unable to move and unable to speak. 

But at the same time, she could feel that she was safer than before. The only thing holding her back is that very fear. 

I'm sorry...I can't...


"You are my sunshine..." 


"My only sunshine..."


"You make me happy...when skies are gray..."

You're here...?

"Y-You'll never know dear..."

Please don't cry Bear...

"How much I love you..."

I love you too...

"Please don't take..."


"My sunshine..."

I hear you...


Russia takes in a shuddering breath as he finishes. He can feel tears slipping down his face. 

"I love you, Flower...please come back..." 

Suddenly, as if by some miracle, Y/n's hand tenses just a little. Before Russia can hardly process it, the women lets out a pained whimper.



Russia reaches over and touches her cheek as she opens her eyes. They're dull, but they sparkle just slightly in the dim light. He doesn't quite know what to say in the moment. Instead, he just breaks down in tears, laying his head down on her healthy shoulder to try and restrain himself. 

Y/n's unburned hand reaches up a bit and touches his side, but it can't seem to move any higher. Russia immediately takes her weak hand in his once more, but still lays over top of her as he does. 

"I-I'm so sorry..." He finally chokes out. "I-I told you to g-go there for some d-dumb papers and..." 

"It...It's okay..." Y/n says weakly. 

"N-No it's not..." Russia pulls away and cups her face in his hands. "Y-You're hurt, Y/n..." 

She only smiles at him, then attempts to push the breathing mask away from her face. He immediately takes it off for her. 

Once it's out of the way, her uninjured hand reaches up and pulls him down into a kiss, one that he melts into instantly. Russia had missed kissing her.

Y/n pushes him away after a few seconds, still smiling at him. 

"Wait..." She suddenly seems to become alarmed. "Dad..."

"He's okay," Russia says quickly. "He got out okay, just a few cuts and bruises," 

Y/n lets out a sigh of relief before relaxing again. "Are...are you okay...?"

"I am now," He replies, kissing her on the forehead. "Kazzy and dad were here earlier, but dad took him home to sleep and to check on Esti. Ukraine and Belarus are on their was back from the Aurora now," 

She nods. "I'm sorry...I scared you guys..."

"You're gonna be okay now, that's all that matters," Russia responds. "I'm gonna go get a doctor to check on you, I'll be right back," 

Later that night, or rather, early that morning, Russia walks back into the room with a plate of food for Y/n. She's sitting up now, and smiles at him as he walks in. 

The tall country takes a seat on the left edge of the bed. 

"How are you feeling?" He asks, kissing her temple. 

"I've been better..." Y/n replies quietly. 

Russia helps her eat, since her dominant hand is burned up and in a sling. She blushes then entire time, making him smile at the adorable sight. 

"Awww, are you embarrassed?" He coos. 

"Shut up..." Y/n mutters. 

He kisses her on the cheek, setting the now-empty plate aside before sitting in bed next to her. Russia wraps an arm around her waist, carefully avoiding any of her other wounds and her painful arm. 

She lets out a soft sigh and lays her head on his chest. The tall country smiles, then takes her healthy hand gently in his own. 

"I love you Bear..." Y/n mumbles drowsily. 

"I love you too, Flower," Russia says with a soft smile on his face. "More than anything else," 

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon