26) River

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I'm running out of pre-written chapters to upload


Y/n walks into the guest room the next afternoon, where the blank country is pressed into the corner. He looks at her fearfully as she sits on the edge of the bed. 

"Hi...how are you doing?" 

The child doesn't reply. He couldn't really. Since he isn't yet his own country or controlled by another country, he doesn't have a language to speak. 

"Sorry...I forgot..." She says awkwardly. "You're welcome to come downstairs if you want. But I brought you something to do in case you're bored," 

Y/n sets several sheets of paper and a few crayons down on the bed. 

The child stares at the objects with fascination in his gray eyes, making her smile a bit. Maybe this was how they could get through to him. 

She suddenly tenses, however, as the pain in her arm flares up. This wasn't happening as often as before, but it happened nonetheless. 

Y/n clutches her arm tightly before quickly leaving the room and the confused country. Tears begin streaming down her face from the pain. 

Russia must have heard her crying, because he runs upstairs. 

"Y/n!" He cups her face in his hands. "What happened?!"

"M-My arm..." She chokes out. 

Without hesitation, the tall country carefully picks her up and carries her into their bedroom. Russia sets her down on the edge of the bed. 

"Wait here, don't move," He orders before leaving. 

The child opens the door as he hears heavy footsteps pass for the second time. He peers out of the room nervously, watching Russia go into one of the other rooms with what looked like an ice pack in his hand. He can hear Y/n crying as well, something that had started after she suddenly ran out of the room. 

He cautiously makes his way down the hall to where Russia had gone. His footsteps are light, and almost completely silent on the carpeted floor. 

The child stops just before the doorway and listens. 

"O-Ow!" Y/n yelps. 

"Sorry!" Russia quickly says. "I'm sorry sweetheart, it'll get numb in a minute I promise," 

The small country looks through the crack in the door. Y/n is sitting on the edge of the bed, her hand covering her mouth to muffle her pained noises. Russia has one arm wrapped around her waist while his other holds the ice pack up to her arm. 

The bandages that usually cover her arm are gone, revealing scarring that covers it entirely, except for her fingers maybe. The skin above the inside of her elbow, and the area under the ice pack, is a bit red, but undoubtedly painful. 

Even though the child had seen Russia as a scary person before, now, he was whispering soothing words to Y/n in an attempt to calm her down. He seemed more like a big baby while sitting next to her rather than a powerful country. 

Eventually, Y/n's crying comes to a stop. Russia makes her lay down, and it's only then that he sees the child watching through the crack in the door. After saying something quietly to Y/n, he walks over. 

Russia closes the door before kneeling down to meet the child's gaze. 

"How much of that did you see?" He asks softly. 

"What's wrong with her arm?" 

The small country speaks in perfect Russian, surprising the taller figure in front of him. 

"You speak my language?" 

"And English...is that what it is?" The child adds in the specified language. 

"It is," Russia mutters before sighing a little. "Y/n just got hurt recently, she's still healing from it," 

"Is she okay?" He asks. 

"She will be," 

The taller country stands and begins walking downstairs. The child hesitantly follows him, taking in the sight of the large house around him. Before, he had been too anxious and confused to look around at everything. 

He's so distracted that he trips at the last stair and tumbles. But Russia spins around and catches him before he can hit the ground. 

"Be careful," The tall country says, his voice laced heavily with a Russian accent. 

"Sorry..." The child mutters. 

Russia pats him on the head before continuing into the kitchen with the small country right behind him. 

"There's an orange bottle in that drawer," The older male says, pointing at a small drawer as he passes it. "Take two pills out," 

The child does as he's told while Russia gets a glass of water. He hands the pills to the taller country when he passes by again. 

The two of them walk back upstairs to the bedroom. Y/n is sitting up with her back resting against the headboard of the bed. She smiles at both of them as they walk in.

"We brought you a few painkillers," Russia says with a smile of his own. 

"Thanks..." Y/n replies a bit weakly. She quickly swallows the pills given to her with the help of the water. "And thank you too," 

The child smiles shyly up at her as she looks at him. 

"Does it hurt...?" He asks quietly. 

"Not anymore," The woman assures him, her smile widening at the sound of his voice. "I'm okay, really," At the same time, she moves the blanket up over her scarred arm as if to hide it. 

The child nods before running out of the room. 

Russia takes a seat next to his wife and wraps his arms gently around her, then he kisses her cheek.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He mutters. 

"I will be..." She mumbles. "How's the kid...?" 

"I think he'll be fine," Russia says. "But I'm more worried about you at the moment," 

Y/n leans into his hold, letting out a sigh of relief as she does. "I know..." 

They sit there for several minutes as her pain continues to dwindle.  

The child-country suddenly runs back into the room again, this time with a piece of paper in his hands. 

He goes to Y/n's side of the bed and hands the paper to her. 

She smiles at him and unfolds it. It's a messy drawing of Y/n, only colorful scribbles on white. But it still makes her smile widen. 

"This is beautiful, thank you," She says happily. 

He smiles in response before pulling himself up onto the bed. 

"We should probably give you a name of some sort," Russia remarks. 

"I guess..." The child mumbles. 

Y/n thinks for a moment before adding. 

"How about River?"

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now