11) The fourth

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Russia: Some people are like slinkies

Y/n: Explain.

Russia: They're practically useless. But they make me smile when I push them down the stairs

Y/n: ...

Y/n: America would make a great slinky-

Ugh...dumb capitalist... Russia thinks in distaste as he watches the news. It was the day after Belarus's birthday, which was also the forth of July, meaning America's birthday instead. 

Thankfully for Russia, Belarus seems to feel the same way about watching the capitalist country on the news and changes the channel to some weird cartoon. 

"Good riddance..." He mutters. 

"I can't believe that Y/n's related to him..." His sister adds. "She's too nice to be related to him..."

"Where is she anyway?" Russia turns to Kazakhstan, who's sitting near him.

"I checked on her earlier, she was still asleep," Kaz replies. 

"Maybe she didn't want to watch her a**hole of a parent on the news..." Belarus mumbles. 

"I'll go see is she's okay," Russia says while standing. In reality, he still felt like it was his fault she got hurt and wanted to make it up to her in any way possible. 

The oldest son makes his way upstairs. It's a bit quieter than usually, or maybe it just seemed to be. He walks down the hall to Y/n's door and knocks softly. 


"What?" Y/n replies from the other side of the door. 

"You okay?" 

"I'm fine..." 

Russia isn't convinced. "Can I come in?" 

"You shouldn't..." She says quietly. 

"I'm taking that as a yes," He twists the knob and opens the door. 

Y/n's room is a bit dark, but has can see her curled up in bed under the blankets. There's an elastic brace over her sprained ankle, along with a now room-temperature ice pack at the end of the bed. 

Russia quickly closes the door behind him and walks over, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" 

"Yes..." She mutters. "I'm fine," 

He sighs softly and places a hand on her shoulder.

Y/n doesn't roll over, she doesn't even reply. But she does start trembling a bit. 

"N/n...?" He mumbles. 

"P-Please go away..." She chokes out. 

Russia blinks a few times before responding. 

"Y/n what's wrong?"

Y/n curls up into a tighter ball and remains quiet. 

The country sighs before slowly standing and walking back to the door. But he glances back at her before he leaves.

"I'll bring you a new ice pack..." Russia mumbles.

He goes down into the kitchen to look for a new ice pack for her. Soviet is home as well, he's leaning against the counter, drinking a cup of tea, when the son arrives. 

"Morning dad," Russia greets him. 

"Доброе утро," (*Good morning/dobroye utro) Soviet replies. "What did the capitalist say on the news?"

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now