8) Clouds

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here come the slavic kiddoes owo

estonia is bby <3

That night, Y/n meets the rest of Russia's siblings. 

The youngest is Estonia, who is only eight. She's shy and quiet around Y/n, but probably because the girl is a bit of a stranger to her. 

The second youngest is Kazakhstan, who is twelve. The winged country is a little more extroverted than his little sister, but is still cautious nonetheless. 

The third is Belarus, who is fourteen. She's a bit loud and gets excited easily. Like Kazakhstan, she is extroverted. But it much less careful than her younger brother. 

Russia is the fourth in line, he's seventeen. 

Ukraine is the oldest out of the five. She's twenty, and obviously has some trust issues. Y/n felt like the country was constantly watching her, as if waiting for a reason to attack. 

But a week later, everyone was getting used to each other. 

"And then you add the eyes...just like that!" Y/n smiles at Estonia. The two of them are drawing together in the young country's room. Estonia wanted to learn how to draw cats, so the older girl offered to help teach her.

"Like this?" She holds up a paper with a messy drawing based on the steps that Y/n had given her. 

"That looks great, Estonia," The older girl says with a bright smile. "You must be a professional," 

Estonia giggles. "Thank you!" 

"Lunch is ready guys!" Belarus calls as she runs by the room. 

"Coming!" Y/n yells after her. "Let's go Est," 

The little country jumps to her feet and runs ahead out the door. Y/n follows downstairs to the dining room, where everyone else is already waiting. 

The lunches usually consisted of Estonia or Kazakhstan whining a bit, then Ukraine scolding them, and then them giving up and eating everything on their plate. Sometimes Belarus would also be whiny, since she could be a five year old in a fourteen year old body. 

Today was no different. 

Afterward, everyone goes outside to hang out. Soviet was at work for a few days, but would be back by the weekend. Whenever he was gone, Ukraine was technically in charge of everyone. Y/n and Russia could pretty much take care of themselves, it was the other three that were the issue. 

"Bela! Get back here!" 

Y/n watchers in amusement from the porch-stairs as Ukraine chases Belarus around the back yard. The younger country had stolen an ax from the shed, probably just to spite her older sister. 

"No! You have to catch me!" 

The girl on the porch laughs a bit. 

"This is pretty normal," Russia chuckles, taking a seat next to her on the steps. 

"Is it?" Y/n raises an eyebrow with a smile on her face. 

"You should have been here when she got her hands on the hunting rifle," He adds. 

"Oh damn..." She mutters. "How did that end?" 

"With Bela tripping and almost shooting Kaz," Russia tells her. 

"Remind me to never chase Bela when she's holding a weapon then," Y/n laughs. 


They sit in silence for a while, just watching the commotion in the yard. Eventually, Russia speaks up again. 

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now