15) Flag change

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you're welcome char

June 12th.

Russia's birthday.

And the day where the government would give up their communist ways of running itself. 

Not only did this mean that Soviet was no longer in charge, it meant the the Slavic flags would be changing as well. And that would be painful.

Y/n wakes up that day feeling...off but she shakes off the feeling and gets herself dressed. When she gets downstairs, everything is normal so far. Kaz and Estonia are playing some sort of board game, Ukraine is chasing an ax-wielding Belarus around in the backyard (somethings never changed) and Russia is reading a book on the couch. 

Right, Russia. 

It is a few months after their confessions. Everyone in the family knew, and everyone was okay with it. Soviet's only rule was no cuddly affection around the others, since it was a bit inappropriate, mostly for Esti and Kaz. 

Also, there was the birds and the bess talk, and that was hella awkward. 

But hey, everything was going fine otherwise. 

Y/n sits next to him on the couch. 

"Whatcha reading?" She asks. 

Russia smiles at her at the realization that it's her sitting next to him. 

"Something I dug out of the attic. It's pretty old," His eyes soften a bit. "Are you okay? You don't look so good," 

"I'm fine, don't worry," Y/n replies. "Just still waking up," 


Despite the normality of the morning, everyone there knew that the day itself would be anything but. 

Soviet had almost killed the guy telling him that he needed to go into work instead of staying at home with his kids, but in the end he hadn't had a choice. If this was the official day of his government's collapse, then he was required to be present for it. 

So, everything is basically left in Y/n's hands. 

Nothing really happens, however, until later that day, just before the sun sets.

Y/n is out in the front yard with Kazakhstan. The young country had been trying to learn how to fly for the past several weeks, and was slowly getting better at it. 

He climbs up onto one of the tall rocks near the edge of the clearing and jumps, flapping his wings a bit to gain lift. 

Y/n claps for him and smiles as he successfully makes it into the air. Kazakhstan smiles back at her happily as he does a few sloppy loops before beginning a slow descent back to the ground. 

However, his entire body seems to seize up all of a sudden. Y/n, who has been on high alert all day, immediately knows what happening to her younger brother. She dives forward and manages to break his fall before he can slam into the ground full-force. 

She has to lay there for a moment with him trembling on top of her before gaining enough strength to roll him onto his back. 

"Kazzy?! Kazakhstan?!"

Kazakhstan whimpers as bright blue patches begin appearing on his skin, and golden feathers begin replacing the red ones on his wings. The poor little country is shaking from the pain with tears running down his face. 

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now