23) Secrets

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I'm finding motivation to finish the prewritten chapters again >:3 so faster updates now

"There, see, it's not so bad is it?" 

Although Russia's words are reassuring, Y/n throws her pencil and notebook across the room and groans in frustration. 

"This is pointless!" She snaps while running her fingers through her messy hair. 

Russia sighs and goes to pick both discarded objects back up. He then sets them on the bedside table and sits on the edge of the hospital bed. 

Y/n had ended up getting bored pretty fast. But since her dominant hand, her right one, is in a sling, any writing or drawing had to be done with her left. It would probably be impossible for her to ever write properly again with her dominant hand, even after her burns healed. 

However, so far, her lessons weren't going well. 

"It's only been a few hours since you've started trying," Russia tells her before kissing the top of her head. "You'll learn," 

Before she can open her mouth to retort, there's a knock at the door. 

"Come in," Y/n says instead. 

At her words, the rest of her family, Soviet, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, and Kazakhstan runs through the doors.


Russia moves out of the way as Kazakhstan runs to her left side and throws his arms around her. 

"Ow ow ow Kazzy-" Y/n quickly pushes him away from her. 

"Sorry!" The winged country backs away from her. "I'm sorry!" 

She smiles reassuringly after her pain settles a bit. "It's okay," 

"I was just really worried cause you were almost dead and-" 

Belarus puts a hand on Kaz's shoulder to calm him down. 

"Sorry..." He mutters. 

Everyone comes around and gives her much gentler hugs than Kaz's first one, before finding chairs somewhere in the room. Russia remains directly next to the bed, however. 

"How's your arm?" Estonia asks. 

"It's fine," Y/n replies. "Well, as 'fine' as it can be while being half-burnt to a crisp..."

"Does it hurt?" Belarus adds. 

"Not anymore," She lies. Her arm is constantly in pain, no matter what dosage of painkillers she's on. Russia knows this and sends her a worried look. 

"Don't scare us like that again!" Ukraine walks over and puts her arms back around the woman. 

"Sorry..." Y/n mutters. 

The eight of them talk for a while about other things. Kazakhstan talks about the stuff he's seen on the Aurora, mostly about Poland, who also has wings and who he's become good friends with. 

They're all mid-conversation when a doctor walks in. 

"Excuse me," She says in Russian. "I need to speak with Ms. Y/n in private," 

Everyone nods and begins making their way out, everyone except Russia. 

"Rus, you too," Y/n says firmly. 

The tall country huffs a little before following his siblings and father outside of the room. 

Russia sighs softly once the door closes behind him. Estonia wraps her arms around him, tears falling from her yellow eyes. Her older brother kneels down and hugs her, since he's much taller than she is. 

"She'll be okay...she'll be okay..." The younger country mutters the phrase over and over again, as if trying to convince herself that it was true. 

Ukraine puts a hand on Russia's shoulder and gestures for him to follow her off to the side. The eldest son passes his little sister over to Belarus before following the dual-colored country off to the side. 

"What is it?" He asks. 

"It's about Canada," Ukraine mutters. 

"What about him?" 

"I..." She looks away guilty. "I kinda became friends with him..." 

Russia stares at her for a minute before letting out a heavier sigh. 


"I know, it was unintentional okay?!" She whisper-yells. "But now I can't get rid of him..."

He narrows his eyes a bit before taking a seat in a hallway chair. 

"Just...we'll worry about him later..." 

The doctor walks out of the room a few minutes later. Since Russia is still talking with Ukraine, Soviet goes over to her. 

"How is she?" He asks. 

"She won't be able to write with her dominant hand again," The doctor replies. "It may take her a while to adjust to using her left one instead. She's a bit shaken up right now," 

Soviet nods, but he can sense that the doctor isn't telling the complete truth, only a piece of it. He goes back into the room alone. 

Y/n is sitting in her bed still, but this time with tears running down her bruised face. 

He goes over to her and takes her hand. 

"Y/n what's wrong?" 

She looks away from him with eyes glassy from tears. "N-Nothing," 

"You either tell me now, or you lie to Russia," Soviet retorts gently. "And you know that both of us are good at picking up on lies," 

Y/n squeezes his hand a little. 

"Y-You can't t-tell him..." She chokes out. 

Soviet's eyes widen a little but he nods. 

"Okay, I won't..."

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now