33) No Secrets

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I have no motivation to draw but I do have motivation to write 

"Hey Ame, you okay?" 

America looks up at his brother; Canada has a glint of sympathy in his green eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine!" He assures him with a smile. "Why? Do I seem off or something?" 

"Yeah you-"

"It's rhetorical question, Nada," America mumbles. 

"Still. What's wrong?" Canada continues. "Usually you would have finished your burger by now," 

The freedom country nudges his burger away from him. 

"Just thinking..." 

"About what?" 


Canada sighs a bit and leans back in his chair. "Oh come on. That's all you're gonna give me?" 

"No..." America looks away and crosses his arms across his chest. "I've...I've just meet thinking a lot about Y/n lately..."

"Why's that?" His brother asks softly. 

The freedom country hears a gentle, but rapid tapping under the table. Canada is bouncing his leg, something his did when he was nervous. 

"I dunno...just...reasons..." America mumbles. 


 Nada takes in a sharp breath of air before continuing. 

"Ame...there's something I have to tell you..." 

"River please-" 

"I don't wanna go!" River ducks into the closet to hide from her while she chases him around the room. He slams the door shut and begins crying softly in the sudden darkness.

Y/n kneels down in front of the closet door. "Реки, please..." (*Reka/River)

"No..." He whimpers. "I don't wanna leave..." 

She gently pushes the door open, but River just forces it closed again. 

Y/n lets out a soft sigh. "I'll come check on you a few minutes..."

There's only another whimper as a response. 

She stands up and walks out of the bedroom. Russia is waiting in the kitchen, but sets his phone down when his wife enters. 

"How is he...?" 

"Scared..." Y/n walks past him to sit down on the living room sofa. "Now that it's all finally happening, he's afraid..." 

"I can't blame him," Russia takes a seat next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist for comfort. 

"I know..." She mumbles. "As much as I hate to admit this...Looking back, when I left my dad...I was terrified..." 

"Well you were a 16-year-old walking around in busy cities with no home and no stable income," He tells her. "And River is suddenly going off with this man that he's hardly ever met..." 


"Didn't you do that when you came with папа and I?" (*papa/dad) Russia adds. 

"I never said that I wasn't scared," 

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now