3) Kate

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*angry russian lady has entered the chat*

hhhhhhggggggg i hate everything

Y/n thanks a kind person who had bought one of her drawings. 

Three months had passed since she left. The girl was bouncing from city to city in order to evade anyone trying to find her. That and also constantly wearing a baseball hat, fake glasses, and her hair styled differently.

That is, if her dad even cared to look at all. 

But she wouldn't take her chances. On the bright side, bus tickets were fairly cheap. Y/n was already a little more than a hundred miles from home. She had a routine; sell enough drawings for a bus ticket and food, buy said bus ticket, and carry on to the next city. 

This time was the exception, she had come back to a place that she had already visited since the place that she had wanted to get to didn't have a bus line to it from where she had been. Her only choice was to return to a place that she had already stayed at, then continue on from there. 

Something that she had noticed about her drawings was that she felt suddenly compelled to add colors for the first time. It was strange...maybe she just felt...better? 

Even without a roof over her head most nights or an empty stomach on others, Y/n was definitely happier. 

She takes in a breath of the fresh summer air before packing up her things and heading towards one of the alley ways. 

"Well look what the cat dragged in," Someone remarks. 

Y/n looks over and smiles at the woman, Sylvia, who was sitting up against the wall a ways away from the entrance. Sylvia had helped her out during her last stay by teaching her a few things about living on the street.

"You said ya weren't coming back," The woman continues. 

"I had a change of plans," Y/n walks over and takes a seat next to her. "How have you been?"

"Eh, fine I guess," She shrugs. "Last week's heat was a nightmare," 

"You do realize that it's the middle of summer right?" The younger girl laughs. 

Sylvia scoffs. "Well then, how have you been?" 

"I'm still moving," Y/n replies. 

"I don't blame ya," The woman says before lowering her voice. "Ya know there were people in suits looking for ya about a day after ya left,"

The girl visibly stiffens. 

"So, did'ja kill someone or something?" Sylvia asks. 

"I-I...no...I just knew important people before I moved away..." Y/n mutters. 

"Oi, what happened to 'we don't talk about the past' stuff I told you last time?" She scolds. "I told ya, I don't care about where you're from. As long as you don't take my sleeping bag," 

The girl laughs and nods a bit. "Right, sorry," 

"How long are ya in town this time?"

"A few days maybe," Y/n replies. 

Sylvia laughs as well. "Good, then I can give ya a few more pointers," 

"I'm going to the store around the corner," Y/n says one day. "You want anything," 

"Twinkies," Sylvia replies. "If ya've got the spare change,"

"No worries," 

The girl pivots on her heels and starts walking down the street, making sure to pull her baseball cap down a bit over her face as she does. The store isn't far, and Y/n makes it in and out in only a few minutes. 

The moment she walks out of the store, she sees a woman, about in her early thirties, walk into the alley. The woman reaches into her coat for something, momentarily revealing the gun on her belt. 

Y/n curses mentally, but begins walking back. She pauses just before the alley entrance. 

"I'm sorry miss, but I don't know who you're looking for," 

"Then who's stuff is this?" The woman asks in a thick Russian accent. 

Huh...that's weird...

"A lady friend of mine, but she doesn't match your description very well," 


"Yes ma'am," 

Y/n peeks around the corner and sees the woman reaching for her gun. 

Well...I had a good run...

"It's fine, Sylvia," She says, walking in and revealing herself. Both women look over at her in surprise. Y/n tosses her friend a pack of Twinkies before turning to the obvious agent. "Can I help you?" 

"We need to talk Ms Y/n," She says. "In private," 

"Well, you're the one with the gun," Y/n shrugs, but inside she was extremely nervous. She walks over and picks up her backpack. "I'll see you around," She says to Sylvia.

The woman seems a bit conflicted, and doesn't reply. 

Y/n walks off next to the new woman. 

"So, I don't want to be rude, but I'm assuming that you're Russian," 

"I am," She replies bluntly. "And you're an awfully hard person to track down," 

"That was the idea...what's your name?" Y/n smiles at her a bit at the question. 

"You can call me Kate," 

"Is Kate a Russian name?" 

No response. 

"Why are the Russian's after me anyway?" Y/n mutters. "Let me guess, you're holding me for ransom," 

"Good, you're bright enough to figure that out," Kate tells her. 

Y/n feels the butterflies in her stomach increase at the confirmation. 

But hey, at least she wasn't going home...not yet at least. 

"So...where are we going now...?" She asks. 

The woman stops at a car and opens the door for her. 

"Get in. You're going on a long trip," 

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