42) Resting

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here's some soviet-y/n bonding time that no one asked for

also u guy's comments are legit scaring me- like y'all are gonna murder me over trying to redeem ame

pls stap-

Y/n finds herself slipping back into consciousness soon. A wave of a sort of groggy feeling instantly washes over her. However, instead of opening her eyes, she just lays there. 

What if it was all a dream? Not the dreams she had just had- but what if the rescue was a dream? What if she was never safe?

It isn't until then that she notices the warm, heavy weight on one of her hands. She hesitantly opens her eyes, finding herself in a dimly lit hospital room rather than the abandoned base. 

How did I get here...?

Y/n shakily tries to push herself up, but something almost immediately tries to stop her from doing so. 

"Hey, hey, stay down," A deep, Russian-accented voice tells her. "Just relax," 


Soviet smiles a little. "I'm here," He replies calmly. "I'm right here...How are you feeling?" 

"Tired..." That was an understatement. Y/n felt utterly exhausted, but at the same time, sleeping felt out of the question. "W-Where's Russia...?"

"He had something that he needed to take care of..." He mutters carefully. It seemed as if he wasn't telling the entire story, but Y/n was too tired to really press him for information. "He'll back back soon thought, don't worry," 

She nods a little and squeezes his larger hand. "C-Cali and...Alaska and River...?" 

"They're all okay, don't worry," Soviet assures her. "Just hungry and tired, a few bruises, nothing major...you on the other hand were in bad shape," 

"I didn't notice..." Y/n mutters sarcastically. "I feel like sh*t..."

He chuckles softly. "Let me get you something to eat, then was can talk more," 


Soviet leaves the room for a few minutes, and comes back with a plate of food for her. Y/n hadn't realized how hungry she was until the entire plate was empty, all eaten by her in a matter of minutes. 

He sets the plate aside just as his phone begins ringing. Soviet smiles a little and turns to her, also waiting to answer it right away. 

"It's Russia, do you want to talk to him?" 

Y/n smiles back at him, nodding a little bit in response.

Soviet answers the phone and puts it on speaker. "Perfect timing," He remarks.

"You sound like you did something bad, what did you do?" Russia asks suspiciously. 

"I didn't do anything, I just have someone who wants to talk to you," He hands the phone to Y/n.

"H-Hi Russia..." She greets weakly. 

"Y/n-?!" Russia exclaims, already sounding like he was on the verge of tears. "Oh my god you're awake are you okay you're okay right-?!"

Y/n's smile widens a little. "I'm fine, нести," (*netsi/bear) "I'm just tired...and wasted on morphine and whatever other painkillers they gave me..."

"Oh my god..." He chokes out. "мой цветок..." (*moy tsvetok/my flower)

"I'm okay, Russia," She insists. If it hadn't been for the painkillers making her to groggy, she would probably be sobbing in relief from hearing his voice again. But the girl manages to keep her tears at bay. 

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now