21) Burned

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hey so prison- I MEAN- school started qwq so...uh...yes

help me-

It hurts...

What happened...?

Russia...? I was in his office...

My arm...

I can't move...

Y/n opens her eyes, blinking a few times from the dust settling around her. Once her eyes stop stinging, she keeps them open and tries to take in her surroundings through blurry vision. Something is holding her down, something heavy, pinning her on her stomach. She can't get up.

Not that she would be able to anyway. Y/n's mind it so clouded by pain and exhaustion that she can't even think to move her body. 

The next few minutes consist of her trying to push through the fog in her mind. Y/n knows that lying under whatever was pinning her down would only do more harm than good, so she needed to get herself out. But her limbs just wouldn't move. 

She feels tears pricking in her eyes from a fresh wave of pain. Her arm felt like it was on fire from it. Y/n almost just wanted it to be cut off and gotten rid of so that it would go away. 


Папа...? (*dad/papa)

The woman gets a bit of an energy boost from his voice, but still can't make herself move. However, she manages to let out a groan of pain. 

The object holding her down is suddenly lifted up off of her, making her instantly take in a gasp of fresh air. Less than a few seconds later, there's a crash off to the side before Soviet kneels down in front of her. His eyes are widened with horror. 

He places a hand on her cheek.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Something in Soviet's says that he already knows the answer. 

Y/n only manages a whimper in response. 

"I'm not going to move you, I don't know how serious your injuries are," Once again, seeming as if he at least had a good idea of what the answer was. 

Soviet takes his coat off and puts it over her, carefully avoiding her painful right arm. Maybe he could see the injury on the outside. 

Y/n feels tears finally slipping down her face. The tall country next to her quickly dabs them away with the fabric of his sleeve. Soviet smiles down at her reassuringly.

"Shh...It's gonna be okay," He soothes. 

"I-It...h-hurts..." Y/n chokes out. 

"I know, just hold on a little longer," Soviet replies softly. "Help is coming, Y/n," 


"Yes, yes you can," He tells her in a firmer tone. "You're going to keep your eyes open, whether you like it or not," 

Y/n smiles weakly. But her eyelids begin fluttering as she attempts to keep them open. She just wanted to fall asleep and never wake up, fearing that the pain would only follow if she did. Soviet does his best to keep talking to her. He even yells at her to try and get her to stay awake, but her eyes eventually close completely. 

Soviet thanks the doctor and walks into the hospital room. He silently makes his way to Y/n's bedside, taking a seat right next to it in a chair. 

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora