31) Catching up

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@Irene1578 has made a very valid point

you all are doing a very good job breathing and living

so the council has decided to gift you another chapter

it gets spicy, and you're all about to hate me

but it's worth it

"Russia you can't let him do this!"

"Y/n I don't have a choice!" 

"They can't take him!" 

"Y/n...it's too late..."


"America's getting River..."

Y/n runs her fingers through River's hair as his body trembles in her lap. His skin is covered in white patches now, what was left of his flag changing. Most of him is now dark blue. 

America did it. 

He got River. 

Well, not yet. Y/n had a few more days with the small child, now a territory rather than a blank country. He knew what was happening, and of course was upset, but he could be handling it a lot worse. 

Finally, River stops shaking. 

"Y-Y/n...?" He whimpers.

"Hey sweetheart...you're almost done, okay?" She assures him softly. "You're flag is beautiful," 

Russia walks in with a fresh damp cloth. "Is he okay?"

"He will be," Y/n mumbles, taking the cloth and putting it on the small territory's forehead, making River relax a little more. 

Russia sits next to them and wraps an arm around Y/n's waist. "Are you okay?" 

"Of course I am," She tells him. "I'm fine..." 

"You should get some rest," He replies gently. 

"I'm fine, Ruski," Y/n repeats. 

Russia sighs a little. "возлюбленная, please," (*vozlyublennaya/sweetheart) "Let me take care of River for a while," 

The woman looks away and holds River a bit tighter in her arms. But she doesn't protest at all when the Russia takes him into his own arms. 

"You should sleep," He tells her. 

"I can't..." Y/n mutters while running her fingers through her messy hair. "I just...I'm gonna take a walk...I need to clear my head..."

"Okay," Russia leans over and kisses her cheek. "Just be careful," 

"I will, don't worry," She assures him tiredly before standing. "I'll be back in a bit," 

Canada waves goodbye to Ukraine after another meeting. He feels himself smiling happily just from being around her. Ukraine made him strangely happy. 

He starts walking back towards his room with a few papers in hand. Mostly trade stuff with other various countries, among other more minor things. 

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now